What would you do?

Hate to be the voice of negativity, but since you asked, you probably should not have picked it up. First, I'm pretty sure it's against the law to take a wild turkey home, and second, there is a pretty good chance that the hen mother was not too far away. After all, if it was as young as you say, how far could it go. It was probably confused by traffic, and mom was probably too wary to come out just then, but unless you found a bigger pile of dead feathers, she was probably waiting for a chance to collect her stray. In general, it is not a good idea to pick up orphaned wild animals because they usually are not orphaned.

That being said, the little bugger is cute!

I do understand where you're coming from. Like I said, I'm not one to just take an "orphaned" animal from the wild. I have fawns, turkeys, and other various animls born and raised on and around my house and property every year. I understand they are noy usually really orphaned. But, I couldn't see him get squished either. It was in an area I am quite familiar with, too.
As for the legality, I have not contacted Fish and Game, but I can't find any laws regarding taking them from the wild, just releasing them. Also, I did talk to my veterinary (he also rehabilitates wild animals and raptors) and he thought it was good that I "scooped him up". Then he told me about someone he knew that came upon a nest that was destroyed except for one egg. The guy took it home and managed to hatch it and raise it. So, I guess I'm pretty set on raising him at this point.
On that note, he's doing really well. He's starting to get his wing feathers in. No more fuzzy nubs! He is eating and drinking great (he really likes small crickets as a treat!) and he likes to sleep in a terra cotta pot base covered in a piece of fleece.
So, thank you for the input. I wouldn't call it "negativity", maybe just "devil's advocate". :)
You know in your heart what's right. Thanks for sharing your situation,and giving us something to think on. Maybe post some pics as he ages, we feed off photos around here you know !
You know in your heart what's right. Thanks for sharing your situation,and giving us something to think on. Maybe post some pics as he ages, we feed off photos around here you know !

Here is a picture of Levi and I although he is a Bourbon Red and not wild, he's still my buddy.

So cute, my husband grew up with turkey's and said he had a ton of fun with them as a kid! Levi looks so friendly and calm!
Wow! I saw the documentary and I could really identify with him (as I have chickens). No matter how much time you spend with any animal, you learn things about them, especially their behavior and their interactions with everything. I will wait for updates! :)
I thought I would give a weekly update on the little guy (or girl. BTW, when can you tell?) He seems to be doing well. Although I did accidentally scarred the poop out of him yesterday. I downloaded an app of turkey calls to my phone and played the "hen's assembly call". I purposely stayed away from any of the Tom calls, but I thought hearing a hen do a call might be a good thing. Yeah, not so much. Poor little guy couldn't cram himself into the corner of the brooder fast enough! I felt so bad!
Then I thought about it. It was probably a threat to hear another turkey (that isn't mom) at this point in his life. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again. I am definitely learning lots as we go. I have also learned that turkeys are much hard to photograph than chickens.

I will probably post updates and pictures weekly, unless something comes up. Hope everyone enjoys them, and if at any time anyone one has any advice or ideas for raising him, I'm all ears! Thanks!
The first picture is the day I got him, the second is at a week old.

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