What would you do?

I thought I would give a weekly update on the little guy (or girl. BTW, when can you tell?) He seems to be doing well. Although I did accidentally scarred the poop out of him yesterday. I downloaded an app of turkey calls to my phone and played the "hen's assembly call". I purposely stayed away from any of the Tom calls, but I thought hearing a hen do a call might be a good thing. Yeah, not so much. Poor little guy couldn't cram himself into the corner of the brooder fast enough! I felt so bad! :hit Then I thought about it. It was probably a threat to hear another turkey (that isn't mom) at this point in his life. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again. I am definitely learning lots as we go. I have also learned that turkeys are much hard to photograph than chickens. :D I will probably post updates and pictures weekly, unless something comes up. Hope everyone enjoys them, and if at any time anyone one has any advice or ideas for raising him, I'm all ears! Thanks! The first picture is the day I got him, the second is at a week old.
You can tell sex by holding them on there back. If they keep there legs up it should be a female. if they eventually drop one or both legs, it should be a male. This works most times. Also if there heads are more blockish a male and more tapered a female. But this is hard to tell in some. We just do the back thing.
Aw he's so cute! I've seen people raise baby turkeys and chicks together, that should be fine. If you have room for a big turkey then it's probably fine to keep it, but if you feel like you don't you could try to find a good home for him online or somewhere near you.
The little wild one is still doing good! I got it a "friend" and it's a Broad Breasted White. Probably not my best idea, because that one is growing three times as fast as the little wild one! They were about the same size. Not any more. But, they seem to get along really well. They sleep together, they eat together, and the little one follows the white around like a little brother/sister. And there isn't any competition for food, I have been keeping an eye on that. However, the white will probably be Thanksgiving dinner.
I skipped a week updating, just too busy to get pictures and get them posted. But, I have a current picture to show how much the little one has grown! and boy can it fly! The Broad Breasted White is usually the one trying to fly out of the brooder, but if I take that one out, the little wild one is up and out of the brooder with a quickness! Other than that, they are both doing well, although the White is now much bigger and heavier. In fact, I think I will start keeping track of their weight.

And here's the White

I'll try to get a picture of them together, but they don't like to stand still for pictures!

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