what would your last meal request be?

NY system weiners ! omg!! i havnt had those in over 30 yrs! i used to get them when i lived in Rhody! they are good!

Just had some a few weeks ago when hubby and I were in Providence. Olneyville NY System is the best. MMMMMM They sell the spices to make your own at home.
1. A cheeseburger with pickles.
2. Lots of curly fries.
3. Root beer.

NY system weiners ! omg!! i havnt had those in over 30 yrs! i used to get them when i lived in Rhody! they are good!

Just had some a few weeks ago when hubby and I were in Providence. Olneyville NY System is the best. MMMMMM They sell the spices to make your own at home.

coffee milk & the Olneyville NY system weiners ....wow you brought back some memories!
mr. birdaholic :

Definitely a "burnt" bologna sandwich with mustard, funyuns, & a GIANT glass of unskimmed, fresh, cold cows milk!

I really don't think I could eat a last request meal. But if I was gonna die without knowing it, Murphy's Law would come in to effect and I would have something I HATE to eat like Liver. (note to self: don't eat liver ever again)
OMG you guys are a little gross!

I will be the sook here and say I'd have my husband cook me something, imperfect and all - and I'd do it candlelit. Knowing his style, I'd probably get braised steak, too!!

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