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Okay, went to pick up my order of chicks this morning and all 47 of them were DOA. I'm trying to figure out how I can just pick them up at the sort facilities instead of them being in a truck for 3 hours in the cold weather between the sort facilities and then also being put on a cold truck to be brought out to our post office. I'm a little frustrated. My daughter wants Japanese Bantams to show for 4H (Bantam class). I think we will have some good breeds for her LF showing (thanks to a few WYGS swappers
). Anyone know a good source of these? Eggs even? We would like to get them early enough that they actually are ready as a breeding group for the fair in August. Thanks so much for listening to me vent......
Oh NO! What a horrible thing to have happen.
Where did they get shipped from? Someone must have really neglected them, because, 47 should be able to keep each other warm if properly packaged.
So if I want to try to swap for the eggs just posted....how do I do that? Or how do I know if I have something desired to be swapped for?
Quote: Ideal - and I usually have decent luck with them (some were just laying hen) They had them separated in a box; there may not have been enough of them on each side of the box. People have been ordering in Minnesota from them and having good survival rates, so I don't know what gives. I'm trying to see if I can pick them up from the sort facility 2.5 hours away when they first fly into the state.
Oh my goodness! I got my swaps from both bnewns and bettacreek

bnewns - my chickies are going to love the mealworms and hopefully I will be rewarded with more eggs
Thank you so much too for the extra goodies. They will come in handy! Thanks so much!

bettacreek - Wow! The box smells so good and it was packed with goodies. Is it wrong that I want to go take a bath already this morning? Thank you so much! You do such a beautiful job with your homemade soaps, candles and bath bombs.
bnewns - my chickies are going to love the mealworms and hopefully I will be rewarded with more eggs
Thank you so much too for the extra goodies. They will come in handy! Thanks so much!
Glad they arrived and liked the extra goodies. Thank you so much for being patient while I got my act together.
For those of you that I sent contamination shoe covers, can you please let me know how you like them? I'm wondering if I should add them to my swap page. I use them when I'm out in the yard and don't want to have to clean my shoes because of the mud or other goodies that the neighbor's cats leave behind.
For those of you that I sent contamination shoe covers, can you please let me know how you like them? I'm wondering if I should add them to my swap page. I use them when I'm out in the yard and don't want to have to clean my shoes because of the mud or other goodies that the neighbor's cats leave behind.

I would be interested.. I would like them for when people visit or I visit ..no cross contamination for me please............
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