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Kat doesn't sound like you kept any of mine though..lol glad they hatched good! I always try to pack really well.

I loved your sex links! They hatched super well.i sold them though. :/

I am still owed stuff from last year before spring!! One is barnevelders...I'm sure I won't get them now I had two breeds from one person seramas from someone who never sent them and then the barnevelders...are the bielefelders similar?

The Bielefelders are a fairly large auto sexing chicken, like the rhodebars but bigger. Roos can get upwards of 12 lbs or more. Beautiful birds. and no, I didn't keep anything from the swaps last year....I figured I needed to ummmm....pick a couple breeds and stick with them, lol. If I hadn't I would have had to run a hundred different coops and chores would have taken at least 4 hours twice a day...lol

I just got jubilee eggs smashed to smithereens! I get it...I complained and they were replaced very nicely actually. I hope they hatch....when I pack I Try to make SURe I can throw the box across the room and no one catch it and not break the eggs. That's the idea anyway...lol:p

If I am not mistaken we were to have a side swap in fall for Jubie eggs....my girls Just started laying and I just got em sparated, but will have eggs available in about a month

Awesome! That would be great! Did I send my eggs to you already? If so great. If not what would you like?
Would anyone be interested in pure Ancona duck eggs? That's the only pure breed I have right now. I do have a nice chicken mix with OE and BCM Roos covering a variety like RIR, faverolles, Cochin, Ameraucana, etc Some of these mixes should be OE and EE when they start laying. They are pretty birds. I need to get some updated pics.

It's just been so cold here right now so I'd have to wait a bit to swap them. My ducks are laying well but some eggs are freezing right now lol.
I do have some blue and should have some chocolate soon as my roo is a maran. I have a few EE and waiting on my OEs to officially lay (should be soon). I have a blue layer so her F1 should be OEs for sure. Right now we are covered in snow and eggs are random and usually frozen. :0(
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