what y'all think might have so redden my former gals?


7 Years
Nov 23, 2013
When I had to give them up Hubby found them a home with some Mennonite family They also had lots of goats stuffed into an old barn last cold winter. winter. We got to visit them occ and give them some treats and took them org feed they were used to. Hubby thinks it was some kind of goat feed or minerals. Even Baby Girls comb was a brilliant red...
Later on THE AH Mennnites decided they didn't want them anymore And we went and got them along with the lice they acquired there and Too minus prt of his frostbitten comb... Hubby then month later found them another somewhat better home
What y'all think it might have been ? I would ask the Menn. AH guy ...but so PO at them Since I cry thinking about the lice etc the we had to deal with after retrieving them
yes as explained what I was asking if you really read my question... I went into great detail...:lol:
Hubby thinks it was red tinted. It was always so dim in that barn. Oh by the way most Kyians aren't Hillbillys:):lol:
So what y'all think Please. Id like to take some occ to my former girls as I noticed last week there combs are dull again...
Even Roo Roo comb was brilliant last winter
So I guess someone with goats and chickens might know
So appreciate y'all Thank y'all
by definition people from the appalachian or ozarks are technically hillbilly, I meant no offense. I'm personally proud of the designation.

you may have gone into great detail but your sentence structure makes it very difficult to understand what you are trying to express

I highly doubt the mennonites added anything to tint the combs a darker red.

What is there feed now? if there nutritional needs arent being met there combs/wattles may dull

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