What you don't want to wake up and see in your chicken pen!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 6, 2011

Are the chickens ok? I would have had a heart attack. That is not what I would want to wake up to or see in my run anytime.
WOW...who would have thought a hawk would come INSIDE the wire. I have a LOT of hawks around my place. I'll be sure to use wire they can't penetrate.
3 Questions we all want to know:

1) How did it get in? (If you know)

2) Did you get it out/how?

3) Are your chickens ok?

I would not want to see that in my cage!
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I think they're gorgeous, just REALLY not what we want around our chickens, especially not in your run/coop! Yikes!
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What size wire are you using on your run? It looks like it's 2" by 4" openings on welded wire and that's what I have. It also looks like a Coopers Hawk which we have and I didn't think they could get through that. if so, I have work to do on my run.

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