Whatcha Making for Supper?

We eat out at a restaurant for T'giving, but we like sandwiches after, so we always get a smoked turkey and heat it up, then use it for snacks. Today I took what's left of it, chopped it and put it in a pan with a jar of turkey gravy and heated it up. I also made a batch of sage dressing from a box, adding chopped onion and celery, sauteed in butter and olive oil to give it a bit of crunch. We ate the turkey served over the dressing, with a can of chunky cranberry dressing on the side. It wasn't bad but I should've dressed up the cranberries with a bit with nuts, chopped apples, lemon zest and juice and raisins. It's too sweet straight from the can. Anyway for a quick leftover dinner it wasn't half bad.

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