Whatcha think? Sapphire gem Roos?


Mar 21, 2024
I purchased 2 chicks from TSC with yellowish head spots, because I wanted a rooster for my new flock as I had purchased female SG's straight from the hatchery. TSC told me they were bluebell eggers, but I am not so sure. I am new at this. Their combs are pretty pronounced for 3 weeks old and they are much more skittish than my pullets. They have some barring but I didn't know if these are what they will look like as they mature and get more adult feather. I know I'll find out sooner or later, but just so darn curious!
If they are Prairie Bluebell Eggers then they are cockerels. That is a sex-linked cross with barred males and solid females. I can't tell you if that is actually what they are though, but the color looks about right.
If they are indeed a cross made with barred males and solid females, then the barring isn’t sex-linked. I’m thinking both look like pullets, probably Legbar crosses.
If they are indeed a cross made with barred males and solid females, then the barring isn’t sex-linked. I’m thinking both look like pullets, probably Legbar crosses.
The sex-linking produces barred males and solid females. It isn't made with them. The parent stock are solid males and barred females

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