Whatchagot Super Swap - Tuesday, July 1

sorry, had to get that in there fast...I have to offer...a camping set of dishes.

these are metal...with the blue flake overlay. Ceramic?? Im not sure...from Marlboro. ( I know I offered these the other day, I have 2 sets)
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Mine on the throw and I'll offer:

2 vintage Better Homes and Gardens hardcover craft books: "Gifts to make yourself" 207 pagesand "Stitchery and Crafts", 168 pages...These books have embroidery projects, knitting, crocheting, rug hooking, many many kid's crafts, candle making, etc.
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Rats! Went to wash the dinner dishes and missed the camping dishes!!!

OK...no crafters out there??

How about your choice of the books, strawberry starts or 6+ standard EE??

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