What's a good "miracle story" you know?

My brother in law was a combat officer in the Marines in Vietnam, he didn't used to talk about it much, has opened up more in recent years. A couple years ago he told probably his most harrowing story. His unit was on a 7 day patrol in the A Shau valley. Their comm went down and they had no intel on enemy movement as night fell well into enemy controlled area. They had to hunker down for the night rather than blunder into an ambush in the dark. He prayed to God for safety for the men in his charge. They stumbled into a small hilltop surrounded by a low ditch when a flock of white birds startled to their right and the area was reconned to see what made the birds fly. It was an ideal defensive position with a small dip in the center so they could camp in defilade. As perfect a spot as they could ask for. Sentries posted and shifts assigned, they bedrolled down for the night. Before he nodded off he prayed again for safety through the night and the enemy not find them. As lthe sun rose and light filtered back into the jungle the hilltop was covered in beautiful white lilies that had opened and bloomed in the night. He had slept directly on top of a mine that didn't go off even though the trigger was tripped. Further recon that day revealed an enemy ambush position 400 meters in the direction they had been traveling. It was set with claymores and 2 machine gun positions with crossing fire. It would have been a slaughter. They all made it through the patrol to safety, in fact his entire unit made it out of Vietnam with only 2 men suffering minor injuries.
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when i was 9 i walked to the entrance to my school and there was the principle and janitor laying there. they had been shot. a teacher ran out and pulle my into his classroom saving me. the sniper across the street was reloding her rifle. i considered him a miracle well now anyway. i wanted to thank him but i havent been able to locate him. he may have passed away.
Wow, these are all amazing stories. It must have been harrowing for all of you involved in them yourselves.

Ole and Lena, several miracles rolled into one! I'm glad everyone got safely out of that one.
I think you know my recent miracle. Ken's nephew Glen is coming home on the 14th. On September 26 at 3:00 pm his blood pressure was 20/40 after being the victim of a hit and run. He was not expected to live, much less recover enough to go home in less than 2 months.
My miracle isn't nearly so harrowing, but miraculous anyway.

One February evening shortly after the unexpected death of my 2 1/2 yo grandson, I was driving home alone from my daughter's house. The sky was not yet black, but a deep satiny blue with no stars. I saw a shooting star fly in a perfect arc over the road.

Still deep in mourning, I wanted to wish my grandson back but knew that couldn't be undone. Instead I wished for my son to have another child - a daughter - before the end of the year but not before Christmas. It is silly but my mother had a Dec. 21st birthday and always complained that she was cheated of a birthday because it fell just before Christmas.

Cut to July of that year. My DIL and son stopped over for a visit. DIL asked my son if he'd told us yet. He said, "No". Then I replied, "Told us what? That you are pregnant? And that your baby will be born just after Christmas?"

Astounded, she said her due date was Christmas Day and asked how I knew. As I explained my story, I also told her she was having a girl because that was part of my wish. On December 28, 2003 my youngest grandchild entered this world. Her mother named her 'Gypsy Magnolia' and she is my miracle child.

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) Feathering my nest with 5 Lt. Brahmas and 5 Australorps plus The Count of Monte Cristo or 'Monte', my Australorp roo, in south-est, central-est Wisconsin
I love that. When my mom found out she was pregnant (with me) she called my grandmother. My grandma wasn't surprised at all, somehow she knew. How she knew, we'll never know.
Not that I really consider it a miracle of God since I don't believe in a higher power, I do know of of pretty amazing event that took place with a friend of the family. She'd been told all her life by so many doctors that she was infertile. Any attempt to get pregnant failed. So she and her husband adopted a wonderful baby girl from Guatemala. Well, about six months afterwards, the family friend became pregnant! Don't worry, the first daughter isn't second to the biological daughter. She gave birth at age 40 (risky) to a beautiful, healthy baby girl, and had no complications with the pregnancy or birth (not even a c-section). Couldn't have imagined a more perfect scenario!
I had numbness in my left arm and face, my vision was crazy, and I wasn't speaking well. They put me in the hospital, although concerned that I had no pain in my head. They thought it was a TIA (mini stroke). They did a CAT scan, and found an aneurysm in my brain. They sent me to a larger hospital, where they found another aneurysm on the same blood vessel. December 15th will be 3 years ago that they did surgery to clamp these. I still have the numbness and all, they have been diagnosed as Silent Migraines, but I am alive do to them finding my aneurysms. My mother died not much older than I am from brain aneurysms.

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