Whats a good way to get rid of chickens (mostly roosters)?

Mine go right in the crock pot...... The really nice ones try to skin them and keep the feathers as good as you can. Sportsman love them for fly makeing and now a days many people wear them in there hair. Looking into that market soon.....jim
Do you really want advice?

If you are over-run with chickens and you are having trouble placing chickens, and you don't want to eat your chickens, it is time to stop hatching.
I think someone here said if you want nice get a snuggy or something.
I think that it is very good advice. One man's pleasure is another man's pain, I do not eat silkies but know people who do. They are used in a traditional soup by pregnant women in some Asians cultures.
Maybe a bit brusque and could be worded more gently, but very sound advice.
Thanks for the advice! Craigslist is sounding better and better... But if your one of those people who suggest selling my chickens for meat, well, then I'll except the torture of them crowing until they die of old age! I have been vegetarian since I was born (to vegertarian parents). BTW, these chickens are all very sweet and tame and I would NEVER let them die purposefully, even if I was paid. Don't mean to be rude, it's just how I am
Actually the main reason I love chickens so much is because of what a popular food they are and how sorry I feel for those sweet little birds. Anyway, thanks again.

- Vegie Silkie
Not to sound mean here, but do keep in mind that if you sell your birds to anyone, you no longer have control over what they do with the birds. They may have the bird for a few months, then decide that a rooster crowing at 5am isn't their cup of tea after all and into the crock pot he goes. If you really, really want to guarantee that they will not be eaten, the only option is to keep them.

So STOP hatching! Give away or sell ALL of your roosters, remove the eggs, or replace them with duds (store eggs, plastic fakes) as others have mentioned. If you have no more space for them, I think many would consider it immoral to continue bringing animals into the world only to pack them in like sardines. To me, that's worse than eating them!
I suppose you could get them slaughter at a nearby butcher and then bring them to a homeless shelter where at least it would take off a little bit of the guilt, but that is a problem I wouldn't want to face. I like my hens just fine.

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