What's in the moat?

...or good.....just sayin'.

Hi ya', JD! Where have you been and what did you bring me?
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Hello my dear Queen Pro-tem. I've been all over time and space trying to track down my other phoenix gate. While during my travels I picked up a few bobbels such as Madagascar rubies, a few Padparadschas and a Tsavorite or two. Here, have some.

Bunny, it doesn't matter that she's grounded. She can leave and come back to the same place and time that she left and you wouldn't know she was ever gone.

Oh Alaskan, on my travels I also picked up the world finest cocoa and a 10 lb. bag of mini-marshmallows! Here, enjoy everyone!
Bunny, it doesn't matter that she's grounded. She can leave and come back to the same place and time that she left and you wouldn't know she was ever gone.

That would be all I'd need.

I mean, have you any idea how hard it is to ground a Pooka? Between the shape shifting and the invisibility, it's all a mother can do to keep track of 'em as it is. And while I haven't seen Baby
in another form, I can't say for a certainty that she hasn't got one; I'm sure she doesn't tell me everything. I'm pretty sure she's been practicing her invisibility, though; she sure is hard to find when there are chores to do.

But mentioning shape-shifting, I've been working on a new one lately. I'll have to show it to you sometime . . . .
JD, haven't bumped into the Princess on your travels have you? She came home yesterday with sparkles literally on her face.

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