What's on your Christmas list?

I always ask for the same thing every year. I want all my kids & my grandbaby to come in for Christmas and a homeade chocolate pie.

My wife always makes me a chocolate pie minus the calf slobber everyone else puts on 'em.
My hubby already knows I want THIS for Christmas


Would also love to have a replacement baking stone from Pampered Chef.........set my last one on the burner and broke it....it was 7 years old and seasoned beautifully....
I'd kind of like a Dremel set, too. I know better than to ask for that one, though.
I'll wait and buy it for myself in a few months.

Edited by moderation to remove inappropriate language.
Calf slobber? You mean meringue?

I want a blender, Celtic Woman Christmas (DH already bought it for me but it was on the list so thought I'd include it), stuff to start my own village, an egg scale, and a book shelf in a nook in the kitchen so I can put my cook books there and free up some cabinet space.

DH wants a Kreg Kr master Jig set (I believe that's what it's called), I will also probably get him some peg board and I will install it in the shed for all his tools. Also, since he works nights now and needs a completely dark room to sleep in- I priced some persiam blinds at home depot today. To just do that one room will be affordable. I might also get him a small gift card for some lumber....maybe, the pocket book may be screaming by then. LOL.
I'm with Matthew....I've got everything a person could want! For Christmas I usually ask God to show me someone to help and every year it seems he sends me someone that could use some assistance. That is my favorite Christmas present to myself....to know that someone has a good Christmas and God is watching over us and sees to our needs.

AMEN!!!! Its all about sharing the blessings. To GIVE, we receive so much more! Nicely said!
I'm with Matthew....I've got everything a person could want! For Christmas I usually ask God to show me someone to help and every year it seems he sends me someone that could use some assistance. That is my favorite Christmas present to myself....to know that someone has a good Christmas and God is watching over us and sees to our needs.

Thank you Beekissed! Wonderful post
I haven't usually done that but I've been looking for ways. Thank you.

God bless
Hmmmm now lets see here every teen would usually ask for xbox 360 games and such but I think ill go for some arrows for my bow,a dozen button quail eggs,a new airsoft gun,and probably some books.
I'm with Matthew....I've got everything a person could want! For Christmas I usually ask God to show me someone to help and every year it seems he sends me someone that could use some assistance. That is my favorite Christmas present to myself....to know that someone has a good Christmas and God is watching over us and sees to our needs.

I do something similar every year. It is more challenging, but I work out the details so that it's totally anonymous. No one can find out who did it. That way I keep my ego out of it and ensures my motives are not complicated by personal expectations. I do the same thing on my birthday each year. This year is going to be a challenge though, since I brought my 85 year old parents in to live with me and their needs are pretty high. My dad is in a light coma and Hospice is coming in to advise/assist me. My mom has dementia and has had a series of health crises and hospitalizations over the last 5 months. She is almost helpless and I have to do everything for her. I can't leave the house unless I have a caregiver with them. So, I haven't been out in the "real world" very much in the past few months to find a person or family that needs help. Both time and money are in short supply with me right now, so this is going to be a real challenge. I'm trusting that God will put the right opportunity in front of me that I can do. As for me, I would just like a little freedom from responsibility for a while.....and some sleep! I'm so glad I have Silkies, they give me a few minutes to put my life aside and just pet/feed/snuggle sweet little babies. What a relief that is after a very stressful day.

You are really overwhelmed aren't you? BIG
It sounds like you have a huge heart and I bet your plans work out for you. If I lived nearby I would gladly give you a hand.

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