What's on your wish list for chicks? Here's mine!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I just made up my list for spring. I can't afford a new coop until June, 2010 so I'll be getting a late start.
I'm going to tell my DH that I'm getting these breeds because I need more eggs to keep up with demand from my customers. He doesn't need to know that some of these breeds don't lay so well.

Naked Necks - 2
Buff Orps. - 2
Production Reds (red stars) - 2
Patridge cochin (standard) - 2
Golden polish - 3
Easter eggers - 3
Cuckoo marans (maybe) - 2
Salmon Faverolles - 2

All pullets. One giant rooster is enough for me.
Plus, as soon as I can figure out how to convert an unused dog house I am getting a pair of seramas, but they will have their own chicken yard.
*List is subject to change on a whim*

What's on your list?
Blue Andalusians
Light Brahmas
Silver Laced Wyandotts

And whatever happens to catch my eye, subject to daily change and whim.
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I would love some show quality..
Silver laced Wyandotte....
1 more Back bearded silkie I can only hatch females...
I would love to have some different breeds but my DH doesn't. We will be building a new coop shortly for our existing flock of 40 birds so they will all be together in one coop. Maybe after the new coop gets built and as things go along I can fill the other coops again. He also goes online and searches for the best egg layers since we are in the egg business now.

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