What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]


8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
Clanton, Alabama
Alrighty, so I've noticed on here that a lot of people just adore Silkies. Personally, I think they're ugly. Almost as ugly as those chickens with naked necks. Sorry for those who think those are cute too, this is just my opinion, you don't have to agree.

Anyways, lately I've been thinking about them, and that maybe I'd get one to see why people loved them so much. Then I decided that I didn't want to get one, to decide I didn't like it and that maybe I'd just ask why people like them so much. Couldn't hurt to ask.

So, why do you guys like Silkies so much? What do they offer that other breeds don't? Are they more friendly? Do they produce lots of eggs? Do they eat considerably less?
These are the types of answers I'm looking for, not, "because they're just so cute!" because I've already said that I don't think so, and no matter how many people say they are, it isn't going to change my mind.

Thank you in advance. Maybe someone will convince me to get one.
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I think they are like the poodles of the chicken world. Either you love them or hate them.
I actually like large fowl chickens. Nothing against silkies. I would get one if they were bigger.
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I've been wondering why people seem to adore Silkies so much, too. I don't like them either, though I can't decide if it's because they're ugly or /too/ cute XP.

I don't know if it's true, but I was told by a lady that works at the feed store that silkies make /really/ good broody hens. If true, maybe it's the reason/one of them?
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I have heard that they can be broody, but is that the only thing that makes them better? If that's the only deciding factor, I probably won't get one. We don't have a rooster, so I don't see the point of having a broody hen.

I have heard that they can be broody, but is that the only thing that makes them better? If that's the only deciding factor, I probably won't get one. We don't have a rooster, so I don't see the point of having a broody hen.


Perhaps you want a challenge for your breakfast eggs? XD
I really don't know. It was the only good point I was given, besides their looks...

I'll hush and let a Silkie expert answer you ^^.
They are ugly as homemade sin!!!! I hate 'em..... But I did read they'll sit on a pile of rocks if you'll let'em! Sorry seems we've all got only one answer!
From what I've heard (I have never had one), they are really super friendly for the most part, many people who have them say they are their favorite / sweetest chicken. And like everyone says, hear they will go broody every time you look at them.

I have heard that they can be broody, but is that the only thing that makes them better? If that's the only deciding factor, I probably won't get one. We don't have a rooster, so I don't see the point of having a broody hen.

Ahh...but you could buy fertile eggs from someone else and slip them under your broody and have chicks!
No need for an incubator.

wanted to add I just got three silkies myself. They sure are adorable at this stage.
here is a photo:

Mine are just now turning into silkie dinosaurs. I don't have a new photo yet though.
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