Whats the best breed of chicken for egg laying?

Oriental breeds are not suited for egg laying like the heavy breeds, and they tend to only lay small to medium sized eggs.

You could try a Mediterranean breed like the Leghorns, Minorca, Ancona, etc...
Ahh, see now I was thinking you wanted Shamo, Malay, Thai, etc...

The Mediterranean breeds are a colorful bunch. Leghorns come in other colors than just white as well, and even with rose combs instead of the big floppy single combs.
The roosters even tend to have longer flowing tails than the heavy breeds.
Ok, maybe not oriental, but pretty and amazing layers in my experience:

Cinnamon Queens (aka red sex link). I think they come from a RIR roo and a Silver laced Wyandotte hen. they are the color of honey or caramel with white mixed in. AND.. don't tell them I am counting or I may jinx it - but "honey" and "cc" have both laid an egg a day since we got them mid-February. I kid you not - just like clockwork. An egg each by 7am sharp from each one of them. ??

The eggs are a nice pretty dark brown, not as dark as marans but darker than my other brown layers.



Edited to say I'm such a dope, you said besides sex links. LOL. Ah well... still gotta give props to these gals for their laying abilities.
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Look on Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart - you can see pics and get egg info, along with pretty much anything else you want to know about the different breeds. Maybe that would help you see what's out there?
Buff orpingtons are supposed to be good layers and their golden buff brings a splash of color into my fleet composed of black giants, australorps, and barred rocks. Great personality too. Hope this helped.

Just yesterday I was watching my BO scratching in the garden (not yet planted). She was faced away and her puffy butt was just ashaking and a wiggling. Cute little things. Antick sometimes, I am finding out, is just as important as color.
I got some delawares to add white color to my flock that was all black and brown/red. They are supposed to be really good egg layers.

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