What's the best way to feed your flock?

I put out fermented feed in the run in the morning and there's a dry feeder all day inside the coop. Because the fermented feed gets eaten up in the first few hours, there's no feed outside to attract pests the rest of the day. And I lock up the dry feeder at night in a metal trash can so the coop is less likely to attract rodents (plus I keep a rat trap rigged under the coop door, for any rats that decide to visit).
Are these feeders any good? I used to have one of these in a smaller size for chicks. Can someone share their experiences with these?
The feeder I use is similar. They work fine in most cases, depending on the type of feed you're using.
Yes, but with the safeguard of not having tons of feet out there in case of flock of starlings come through. Been there, done that. those birds can clean out a lot of feed in a short amount of time
in my area it is the flocks of Pinyon Jays that you would have to worry about. I heard of a flock emptying a 25# of birdseed from a bird feeder in no time. I feed them whole corn and get a kick out of them filling their craw so full they can't get anything more down it and have corn kernels in their beaks before they fly away to go stash it. They supposedly remember about 80-90% of their hiding places in the winter and empty them during the winter. It will be interesting this spring/summer to see where they hid it as there will be corn growing in their hiding spots.

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