What's the lowest temperature baby quails can survive?

Hey!!! Thank you guys!!! I had managed to make a wooden brooder using a 25w bulb, the temp was kept at only 30C (86F) for the first 1.5weeks. Now I put them in a bigger box in the garage, no heating source, just normal light and they are doing fine and happy, just...flying everywhere... I'm surprised that they are such hardyyyyy birdsssss!!!
Well before I went and got my ducklings, one of the things I noticed at the store I got them from was that they will all cluster together for warmth. The chicks were doing it, so were the ducklings, and others. It seems that's part of the instinct, and its neat to see it.
Well before I went and got my ducklings, one of the things I noticed at the store I got them from was that they will all cluster together for warmth. The chicks were doing it, so were the ducklings, and others. It seems that's part of the instinct, and its neat to see it.
Yeah they cluster together when they sleep or cold, I have seen that too. But when they are more comfy, they just run and fly a lot.
I know this thread is really old, but I have to separate a quail chick and don't have an alternative heat source for it.
I can't seem to upload a photo, but I'm using a small circular incubator without water in it turned upside down. It has a tea towel over it w/ a gap for them to get in and out through.

It's pretty dodgy but it seems to be working ok. They all know where to go, except in my old batch I had one that was probably brain damaged that somehow got lost and drowned in a 1cm deep water dish 🤷‍♂️ it was a runt though.

I just need a cheap alternative for a single quail.
I can't seem to upload a photo, but I'm using a small circular incubator without water in it turned upside down. It has a tea towel over it w/ a gap for them to get in and out through.

It's pretty dodgy but it seems to be working ok. They all know where to go, except in my old batch I had one that was probably brain damaged that somehow got lost and drowned in a 1cm deep water dish 🤷‍♂️ it was a runt though.

I just need a cheap alternative for a single quail.
Anything warm should get you by in a pinch. An incandescent light bulb will work as long as he can get close enough to it. Disposable handwarmers will work too...
Anything warm should get you by in a pinch. An incandescent light bulb will work as long as he can get close enough to it. Disposable handwarmers will work too...
I'll try that. My incandescent bulb only gets up to 25°c near it except for the hot top bit.
I'm looking for a bulb, but I can't seem to find one.
I'll try that. My incandescent bulb only gets up to 25°c near it except for the hot top bit.
I'm looking for a bulb, but I can't seem to find one.
I have some 150w incandescent bulbs that I use on a dimmer switch in my brooder. They work good. The more watts the more heat.... hopefully you'll find something that works.

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