Whats the most humane way to kill a chicken?

I had to kill the rooster today because it was attacking mom and could do some damage. In its pen, I cornered it and put a garbage barrel over it, then I took a water hose, stuck it in the tail pipe of my car, wrapped it all in tin foil to seal and secure it, then stuck the other end under the barrel, laying dirt around the bottom to create a seal. It took about 20 minutes, I was surprised at how long. Towards the end it gave a burst of pushing to get out but soon after was silent. No blood. Fairly humane. Easy method for a guy who isn't used to handling fowl.
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Daniel888 it doesn't sound very humane to me the poor fowlwould probably have been terrified and suffering for quite some time why not take it to a vet
I had to kill the rooster today because it was attacking mom and could do some damage. In its pen, I cornered it and put a garbage barrel over it, then I took a water hose, stuck it in the tail pipe of my car, wrapped it all in tin foil to seal and secure it, then stuck the other end under the barrel, laying dirt around the bottom to create a seal. It took about 20 minutes, I was surprised at how long. Towards the end it gave a burst of pushing to get out but soon after was silent. No blood. Fairly humane. Easy method for a guy who isn't used to handling fowl.
Obvious question: Why didn't you kill it in any number of ways that chicken raisers do, clean it, and throw him in the pot for dinner?
I had to kill the rooster today because it was attacking mom and could do some damage. In its pen, I cornered it and put a garbage barrel over it, then I took a water hose, stuck it in the tail pipe of my car, wrapped it all in tin foil to seal and secure it, then stuck the other end under the barrel, laying dirt around the bottom to create a seal. It took about 20 minutes, I was surprised at how long. Towards the end it gave a burst of pushing to get out but soon after was silent. No blood. Fairly humane. Easy method for a guy who isn't used to handling fowl.

This was in no way humane.

If they are your birds, I suggest you think about giving them up.
Sorry but that doesn't sound humane at all and also, not to mention... it took a long time and is way more effort than just chopping his head off or any other method. Getting the barrel, putting him under it, and your elaborate method with the hose and tail pipe and sealing it and everything, then waiting 20 minutes for him to die, that is a lot of time and effort as opposed to catching it and killing it with an axe or broom handle. Even if you are not used to handing fowl, catching him would take less time than that. And actually, you were able to get him under a barrel so you could have used the barrel even then slowly lifted it and grabbed him out from under and caught him that way if you're really worried about handling him.

And gassing is one of the least humane ways to go. It is extremely painful. Your lungs literally burn. And as you found out, it took a long time, over 20 minutes. That is a lot of needless suffering and pain.

There is a reason why people are trying to ban gassing from shelters.

And I am not even against meat birds, so you don't think that. I have no problem with that (even though I don't think I could ever kill my own birds). As long as it is done humanely and quickly. Key components here.
FWIW, that was Daniel888's one and only post on this forum. Suppose he was just trolling? Sure got a rise out of a lot of people.
Ok you guys... This is hard for me, but for a totally different reason.

Born a vegetarian, family is not.

My husband and I have been going back and forth on how to handle the whole pets v. food thing.

All my life, all of the creatures have been family, now I am faced with a different rationale.

1) I hate suffering, torture, etc. My family eats chicken. Those birds that we buy are tortured, fed poorly, beaks ripped off, made to live in small cages, or run in horrifically crowded pens with others birds that are under a lot of stress. No life for a chicken.

2) My family comes first, the nutrition that comes from mass-product farms is NOT good. My family is already really ill right now, two with unknown disorders. They need healing food. The chicken that they are getting just cannot do them good.

3) I am ovo-lacto and want non-fertilized eggs from chickens that are fed well, are happy, and have a real bug-eating, dirt-scratching life.

I have been sick to my gut about how to do this. I DON'T kill things, I save them, but I do put them down via a vet, when needed. I am also a social/research psychologist, so I know the brain and nervous system processes better than most.

The best way I can justify giving my family good food and stop torturing chickens is to give them a good life and then obliterate the brain via .22. I am a good shot, I just don't know if I can DO the deed. Not to mention that if she/he moves I'll have nightmares. So, I'll have to figure it out. Hubby's sick/recovering from surgery for at least a year, so he's not the right one to do it.

Also, I have really bad hands and have no idea how to de-feather without hurting my hands. Any ideas? Probably getting my first run in late spring. I have access to some pullets to get started.

Still want to puke, but I am TIRED of chickens being tortured. What everyone here has described (Save one) has been such a HUGE respect for life that I am "better" with the concept. Thanks, all.

BTW, has anyone heard of a "trade" raising chickens for others to dispatch, pluck and share the bounty?
Maybe instead of raising your own you could buy locally raised meat? Then you could get the nutrients but not have to kill anything :)

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