What's the next HOT breed/color?

I hope you dont' mind me using her.. I Only use her for educational Purposes..
I don't even have the brahmas yet! LOL just posted on my sig line that I'm getting them...here is a picture from greenfire's site


My mille fleur leghorns are coming along. They are a real project with very little stock in the USA to work with. But I'm happy with my beginnings. They are much more mild-mannered than other leghorn varieties

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Just like all the new hot colors in 6 months there not hot anymore. Just like lemon cuckoo orpingtons, eggs will be 20 dollars a dozen. New breeds and colors don't last long! Chocolate is big now by spring everyone will have them.
In the url it says Green Jungle fowl
Heres another head shot If you go do a search on some of Resolution's posts on here there are more of these colorful pics and other he's posted too

http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a83/PiAmoun/Gallusinae/Wali Kukula/walikukula_7024-copy.jpg


The bird in picture is a Ceylon jungle fowl.

These are Green jungle fowl: (Not my birds)

When I have more land I want some of these jungle fowl. They are just gorgeous birds.

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