What's the rule on pantyhose?

It must have been a sight to see when people would actually get all
dressed up. To see women in dresses and hats and men in suits with
style is history now.

Even in Church on Sundays people are all in jeans and even shorts.
We have one woman who must be 80 by now who dresses to the max
every sunday. I always stop and say hi and "How's the classiest best
dressed lady here doing today". The smiles I get from her are priceless.

It just seems like none of us have the time, opportunity, or even the
care to dress up any more. Heck, I spend my weekdays in a technicians
uniform and my weekends in old jeans.

Roxy, those pics are awesome and you look like you have true personality.
Kudos for being the only one here with the guts to post a pic. I'd post
but I don't look very good in a dress.
Roxy where did you get the shoes in your first pic??

I do vintage too and LOVE it I have a bunch of 50s Chanel dresses (lost one of my favs to an overegeager neice

I had a pair of black ankle high vintage low heels lace up the front, but then I had kids and my feet got bigger

Now they don't fit! Who sells vintage shoes these days??

And RUTH!! Post your stuff looks to me like you got a potential market here on BYC!!!
AND PC You are right. Not dressing up at all is sort of a shame....

I went to a banquet a few months back and people wore jeans!

I was wearing a strapless floor length navy blue lace gown!
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Pantyhose and stockings are not equivilents. I don't mind stockings, its pantyhose I can't stand. As a Big Girl, the large size pantyhose can be used as additional bust support and possibly even a turtleneck; and yet the crotch is still around the knees. I'm 5'9' or so and I don't know how short stout ladies manage when tall stout me can pull the pantyhose up to my neckline. Tights seem to be better and stockings much better.

On the long underdrawers issue, living in Texas I don't need them anymore. Thankyou God!!!! But my preference was always for silk, it wasn't as bulky as the cotton, felt good against your skin and kept you warm.

So Buff, whatcha gonna wear with that party dress?
I wear jeans with holes in them and a T-shirt under a sweatshirt to church. And a lot of people in out church dress up on Sunday.
Not where I come from!

Yeah, well I do live in CT. I'm just happy to see people there.

1 in 10 dress well. Me and Drumstick will wear nice shirts but do wear
jeans on occasion.

I don't wear pantyhose to church though. (Just trying to keep on topic
I miss the hats. Oh the HATS!!!
when my moms dh had his stroke on Easter weekend a few years ago we went into Boston to see him. There was a family of older women going in to visit someone as well. Oh they were dressed for Easter Sunday! The pill box hats. the white gloves. the dresses. I actually commented on how nice they looked and how I missed the days when woman and men of any age, showed respect for themselves and others by dressing nicely.
And I am not that old. I grew up in the 70s and I remember when families dressed for church and the holidays.

I will admit that I am addicted to hats.Have bought two now, from one Etsy store in a week!
And classy/classic purses. And "nice" heels with a classic look to them. I love the clothes from the 40's and 50's. But then again I love the cars from the 60's

I was born late. But I am sure that I had a go round in the decades I seem to be tied to as well.

now. I am waiting for the dress. I am buying a shrug. Looking to buy a swing jacket or a pea coat. And even tossing the idea of "tall" dress boots. Maybe I can find some on Lane Bryant.com that will work for me. Or a trip to the big shoe warehouse might be in order before too long. Have I mentioned that I LOVE having my own paycheck?

I have to admit, while I love that I dont have to "dress up" for work.Heels etc would be BAD. I kinda miss it at the same time. No one in my fmaily dresses for the holiday get togethers anymore. Only chance i have is my dh's work holiday party. and other dinner events they have through out the year.
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I have WHAT in my yard? :

Roxy where did you get the shoes in your first pic??

I do vintage too and LOVE it I have a bunch of 50s Chanel dresses (lost one of my favs to an overegeager neice

I had a pair of black ankle high vintage low heels lace up the front, but then I had kids and my feet got bigger

Now they don't fit! Who sells vintage shoes these days??

And RUTH!! Post your stuff looks to me like you got a potential market here on BYC!!!

Darn it, I just gave away some designer Vintage shoes!!! had I but known Sharon you could have had them.........

Have to admit to wearing vintage fur coats though.....​

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