What's the rule on pantyhose?


Hope Buff Hooligans has not minded where this thread has gone. It has made my day for sure!!!

Being a female, and older one at that(40's) I went throught the torture of the 70's and 80's wearing pantyhose all the time. Girls had to wear dresses to school and finally when I was in 4th grade we could wear pantsuits or nice slacks. Girls could not wear jeans. Always dresses for church and special occasions. Glad that changed.

Does anyone remember the color "coffee bean"? That was "the" go to color in the 70's.

Never having been a size "stick" or "twig"(the only two sizes that matter to Hollywood) Pantyhose have always been my nemesis.

I still remember clutching at the ever rolling waistband. Never being able to keep them up and them rolling almost down to my knees. Not a pretty picture I must say. In those days I was much thinner, but still could not get the darn things to stay up and I am a shortie. Now my figure is more like "I'm a little Teapot"- short and stout. Pantyhose-forget about it. Life is too short. If the event calls for a dress, give me a long skirt and a pair of opaque trouser socks. Looks like tights without the "tight". No one is the wiser.

By the way, anyone every rememver the little grannies you saw in the supermarket wearing skirts and knee high pantyhose? Gotta luv 'em. That is a look to be reckoned with for sure.

Stay tuned Purple, you may get some brave sole to post picks or U-tube video of how a woman puts on panythose. The acrobatics make "Circe De Sole" jealous.
Buff thinks the whole thing is a crack up!!! Don't worry about her at all. I do remember coffee bean. How funny. I also remember buying pantyhose through the mail and they were the only ones that didn't strangle my nether regions.
Yes, the pantyhose with the crotch that gradually creeped down towards your knees during the day. The constant hoisting!

The Control Tops I used to wear! I had a perfect body back then!!! What sort of moronic marketing campaign made me think I needed Control Tops for a perfectly flat tummy!

And the pantyhose-to-job-interview thing: I always felt guilty about that because it was sort of "deceptive marketing", since I had no intention whatsoever to ever wear that mummy-like beige Martha-goes-to-Washington outfit ever again!

AND, I exercise in the morning before work. Do I pump iron and lunge my brains out for the optimum time possible? Or do I leave 10 stupid minutes to shave the gams every single shower? What do guys want? A strong, fuzzy babe or one with wobbly hairless legs? (Never mind that if I wanted to, I could drag my patootie out of bed 10 minutes earlier...)

I just spent the last half hour being the office entertainment by trying on eight dressy dresses brought in by a co-worker for my consideration for winter parties. (Bosses are gone.) Yes, we had a ton of laughs. After I'm released from the mental health facility and have enrolled in Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem and Medifast, I'll write you all again.
OMG, I LOVE those! I must have them . . .

I've been looking up pictures of people who wear pantyhose, and the pale people who wear the tan kind look a bit off . . . has anyone besides me ever thought that? I mean, I grew up with people who wear jeans or pants practically year round, so a dark face with blinding white legs is normal looking to me, so when it's switched like that I feel like I'm looking at a negative.

My whole body's white as a ghost, and I'm proud that my skin can blind people as I walk by. Not many people can say they have a super power like that, so why would I want to cover that up?

"Augh! My eyes!"
"HAHAHAHA! Yes, worthy foe, you have met your match in my pale legginess. Take that! and that!"
"Augh Argh! Mercy . . . oh please . . . have mercy . . . "
Wellllll....When knockin' over liquor stores, I prefer something with a nude toe
. Otherwise my vision may become obstructed. I don't really care for the control top as they tend to bunch up around my neck


I haven't read all the way through...but had to put my two cents in. Ladies...do not fret. There are actually a lot of men who like the fairer sex to be fair skinned. Not all men want bronzed beauties. Many many many men like pale creamy skin. Do not worry about your winter legs. If you get cold easily like me...wear panty hose. If you HATE panty hose but are worried about your white legs...remember what I said. My husband goes banana's over my blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin. I can't wear sunless tanner because it goes' splotched on me. So i'm as pale as a ghost in the winter. Never has affected me. Be confident! Buy good winter moisturizer and ROCK your Dress or Skirt!!!

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