What's the strangest thing you've used to incubate?


6 Years
May 12, 2013
Blue Mountains, Australia
Hello everyone,

I am preparing for the arrival of my first fertile eggs to incubate and like all good new Mothers I am trying to get the best of everything for my girls! Researching the right incubator, setting it up, checking for consistency etc. and then getting their brooder box ready etc. I'm beginning to think it is all a bit OTT for them. Do we spend too much time thinking about the science of it all and not on the pure enjoyment of letting nature do its thing?

For example I had a chat to my Mum last night who was telling me about what she used to use to incubate eggs - THE ELECTRIC FRYING PAN!! Can you believe it? She was successful too. It seems in the early 80's backyard chook raising was a little more relaxed, there was also no internet to over-research a subject. Times have certainly changed.

Just wondering if anyone has SIMILAR stories they might share about chook egg hatching and raising ?

My wife told me a story of a chick she raised

she as usual brought some eggs from farmer to eat (they where fertile) morning breaksfast

As she was making them she was called by her mum and put the egg in her hand, down inside a pot to keep it from rolling

time passed by as she did what her mum asked and completely forgot about the egg in the pot

probably 21 days later she could hear chirping

and looked all over the house

and low and behold a chick in a pot in the kitchen area

then it hit her

that was the egg she put there around 21 days ago
My wife told me a story of a chick she raised

she as usual brought some eggs from farmer to eat (they where fertile) morning breaksfast

As she was making them she was called by her mum and put the egg in her hand, down inside a pot to keep it from rolling

time passed by as she did what her mum asked and completely forgot about the egg in the pot

probably 21 days later she could hear chirping

and looked all over the house

and low and behold a chick in a pot in the kitchen area

then it hit her

that was the egg she put there around 21 days ago
must have been very warm in the kitchen area.

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