What's the weirdest thing your chickens like to eat?

Chicken stuffing mix from the box.

Not that they go nuts over it more than other goodies but It makes me feel good that they may actually be getting that belly rubbing stuffed feeling.
My chickens like cooked rice. sometimes I make a pot full just for them.
oh and potato peelings. I cook them first, the chickens love them. mashed potatoes too. noodles
When we were kids we would tie a big bunch of wisteria flowers to a long bit of string at teh end of a pole and swish it round the chicken pen. Even at top speed it never lasted long
the chickens looked pure demented chasing after it though
A few of my chickens will drink beer. I felt kinda bad after the two that tried it were so enthusiastic about it and wanted more. I don't know if the others like it. I thought the carbonation would freak them out.
Cheerios. It may not be weird but they won't eat them whole only if the crush them and let them eat out of my hand. Maybe that means that they are just spoiled
My birds are on the seafood diet...they see ANYTHING that looks like food <or doesnt> and they go for it. My husband thinks its hilarious to watch them eat a hamburger lol They will do anything for a cheeseburger lol He had them jumping and dancing and the whole 9 yards for one. Silly chikkies!

The other day we took treats out to the girls, and then saw one of the babies running around <well not so much babies now at 17 weeks but....well you know
> snatch it and run. When we went out to see what she was so excited about it was an apple core. She was sooooooooooo happy to have the apple core...she didnt even LOOK to see there were other things there to eat.
It may not be weird but it's gross to watch my girls slurp down an big ol' nightcrawler---and then I remember that it will become my next egg---ewww:p

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