What's this? Feeding eggs to your week old chicks? how?

Eggshell is not the same as grit.

I suggest you limit the protien you feed them. Commercial feeds include all they need and anything more is OK until they are about 8 weeks. After that, excessive protien can cause joint problems like those experienced by heavy meat birds during their rapid growth. After 3 months of age, one egg per week per bird, spread out over the course of a week is OK.

For the chicks, I use parakeet grit. Shells go only to the adult birds, to help replenish calcium, and even then it's as a treat. Chicks don't need all that calcium.
Cooked eggs for chicks should be used sparingly, as Lollipop says.

Welcome, good luck with the chicks!
if they're on commercial starter and starter alone, they don't need grit. If you want to start giving them treats you'll want to buy grit for them, it's usually comes in a smaller bag and you give it free choice.
Personally, I sprinkle fine sand over the babies food since i know they'll be getting treats and once they get bigger they'll be switched to grit.
That's how I did my chicks. First treat was hard boiled egg and then plain yogurt. Very small amounts.
My chicks were basically raised by speckledhen, tuffoldhen and a few others.
I just did the dirty work.
That's so weird! I would think the shells would only be good for older pullets and hens...I might have to try it. Thanks.
Any creature with bones needs calcium. It is just a question of degree. If they are not laying eggs, they do not need as much.
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I fry it, when I give it to babies I don't get pasty butt. best for mailed chicks that had a hard time in shipping.I use candled eggs that were clear, just can't stand to through them away.
We were talking about supplemental calcium in the form of eggshells fed to chicks, which is what I was addressing in the quote below. They do not need any calcium provided to them, other than what is in their chick starter.

speckledhen wrote:
Do not give them shells at all! They are too young for calcium. I feed chicks a little egg every few days, not every day, and not much. I dont feed grit myself when I do the soft eggs. And no other treats. I think you can feed chicks way too many treats, which messes with the protein and vitamin levels of the starter. They do well on starter alone.​

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