What's wrong with her eye?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 14, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
I just noticed my 2 year-old Spanish Black Face seems to be only using one eye so on closer inspection the one eye looks funny. What do you think it is and what should I be doing? If I need medicine anyone in the L.A. area (Southbay or Westside) that knows where I can get it? She appears fine in every other way, normal eating, drinking, pooping, and activity. She's not laying, but hasn't in months.

(I know it appears as if my husband is strangling her, but she wouldn't sit still for her picture.)

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Are you referring to something inside her eye, in the eye itself.... or to the outside, the lids and surrounding skin area?

Looks a bit irritated to me.... Any change in environment? Have you cleaned the coop, nesting boxes, run? Checked her for mites or lice? Checked others for mites or lice?

What do you use in the coop for nesting material?

Not too sure about your area.... but, there are generally "horse" areas somewhere nearby.... and, therefore FEED STORES... find a feed store... look for (ask behind the counter) the antibiotic "eye" (ophthalmic) ointment... it is a bit expensive for the tiny tube you get, and you will have to catch and hold her a couple of times a day.. putting a little line of it on the inner side of the outer lid... (with clean hands)... when she closes her eye it will be distributed in the eye.

Also pick up some "Garden and Poultry Dust" and/or Sevin Dust -- I am thinking she might have mites? Clean everything and sprinkle a little Sevin Dust on all surfaces (cleaned roost, cleaned and changed nesting boxes, and a bit on the ground, in the sand or dirt floor of the run)... and dust each and every chicken as well (vent area and "armpit" skin area under the wings).

I could be wrong... --- make sure you never use Cedar in the coop.. no cedar shavings... only pine. And, keep the coop clean and dry.. mold could cause a negative reaction.
Also, look for a product called VetRX... good to have on hand... read the insert in it, many uses.

Best of luck.
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Thanks for the advice. I don't think there's anything in the eye, just the outside. I use pine shavings as bedding and cleaned out the cop maybe two weeks ago. I'll look for a feed store tomorrow.
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