What's wrong with their feathers?

I candled my eggs from jubaby last night. they're only on Day 5, but it looks like 7 out of 8 silkied and 3 of 4 F1s are developing.
Just got home and all the eggs in the bator are cold.
I think the heating element must have gone out. I have a Hovabator Genesis, but I bought it used and have had it for over a year, so who knows. I quickly stuffed all the eggs in the hatcher for now, but I'm afriad it's too late. I'm giong to be SOOO upset if all my eggs from jubaby died.
Please cross your fingers that they hang on!
I know we are talking delicate eggs that give "us" (concerned chicken folk!) fits by, umm... getting with the program and hatching and living. (How's that for positive?) However, please remember that there are hens that get off their eggs, go for a stroll, do that broody poop, catch up on the gossip, grab a bite to eat, and in general waste time and let their eggs cool off.

These same eggs still hatch.

I believe the consensus here on BYC is that cool periods may throw off the hatch date by a day or two.

May your chicks be hardy little troopers!
Well, I'm pretty sure all my eggs are dead. I candled again this morning and saw no signs of life. Even in my F2 & EE eggs that are due next week there is no veining anymore, just dark blobs where the dead chicks is, and no movement.
Here we go with more setbacks in this project.
Aww.. I was really hoping they'd pull through. I definitely wish you luck with the next bunch.

I read the entire thread yesterday.. I'm waiting on pins and needles to see if these fluffys will become more robust.. I'd certainly like to have some if they do. Until then.. I'll just stay jealous of all of you
I was getting worried that there seemed to be a rash of sudden deaths upon reaching maturity.
Well, one more fluffy, and one more F1 have made it into the world! Both hatched naturally yesterday. I had several other eggs in there that didn't pip.

I have a big Brinsea incubator now, and the other eggs that I hatched at the same time had about a 95% hatch rates, so I know my conditions were on. I guess genetics and shipping trauma strike again!

I'm glad to have 2 big healthy chicks nonetheless.

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