What's wrong with their feathers?

Jubaby, would it be possible to snag a feather or two from your birds and get it under a microscope? I'm curious to see how it compares to a) normal feathers, and b) silkie feathers which lack functioning barbicels.

Post-edit: Garp94 is practically reading my mind! If these feathers lack barbicels, it would make them comparable to down feathers. Another avenue to explore while looking for names...
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There you go ; call them the Downies breed

[ edt : TBH I was having a senior's moment and confusing two TV commercials in my mind ; Downy fab softener and Huggies diapers , but both Downies and Huggies might be cute names ]
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Sounds like a derogatory slang term for Down Syndrome unfortunately. Not really ideal.

I'm racking my brain (and the internet) trying to come up with something. I found that in 1599, Ulisse Aldrovandi, a writer and naturalist at the university of Bologna, Italy published a comprehensive treatise on chickens. In it, he spoke on "wool-bearing chickens" and ones "clothed with hair like that of a black cat".

And that Early Dutch breeders told buyers they [Silkies] were the offspring of chickens and rabbits, while sideshows promoted them as having actual mammalian fur.

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