What's wrong with their feathers?

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy this line of chickens is being developed!

Thanks to everyone helping!

I am adding my vote that they be called Silkied Ameraucanas (as long as the individual bird has all the other required Ameraucana traits--and if not, then "Silkied Easter Egger").
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Can you reliably get Blue Wheatens from a Wheaten X Blue cross???? I don't know the genetics involved very thoroughly on that crossing...
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Can you reliably get Blue Wheatens from a Wheaten X Blue cross???? I don't know the genetics involved very thoroughly on that crossing...

This is a blue/blue wheaten cross. He hatched from eggs from a mixed pen from one of my friends for another friend who wanted fun colored birds
that laid blue eggs. If you cross them, even if you get them to look visual pures they will still throw chicks with off colored plumage down the line.
With as much of a headache as leaking gold and silver can be, I dont know that breeding different varieties together and then trying to sort
them out would be a treat. You would spend far more time and money on it than just buying pures. In this case, where there exists only one
color(splash) you have to make a project of it, but it would take awhile to get them to where they look like blue Wheatens probably.
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cottagegarden--THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your knowledge & an actual photo! I've bred just Blue Wheatens & Wheatens pure & it's good to know more about how other color crossings would turn out.
p.s. I am getting out of showing, and selling the last of my Large Fowl Ameraucanas via my website if anyone is looking for some in Utah/Idaho.
OK. This thread explains alot about other posts I've been running into but couldn't figure out. All these random references to some fictional thing called "silkied Ameraucanas." What????

:eek:THEY EXIST!!!!! FOR REAL!!!!!!! This is so cool!
Devoured the whole thread in one sitting. Ahhhhh, life is good.
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Aren't they neat-o? I can't wait to see how it goes when everyone starts crossing them with regular feathered ameraucana's, and then crossing those offspring.
mine are due in a few days. I have had several "challenges" with temp and humidity and have kept everything that did not look absolutely gone bad. I have tried to leave them alone as much as possible because the air cells are dislodged on most, and very weird looking. I did candle a couple last night and saw positive movement in one, and quit candlling... PLEASE y'all cross your fingers for me... One... just ONE is all I am asking for... puleeeeeeeeezzzze?

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