What's wrong with their feathers?

Gosh darn it. A little better than an hour ago I was reading in this topic.. The Most Infamous Threads of BYC
and I saw a post by Cattitude withe the title of What's wrong with their feathers? and for some
reason decided to click on that link and now have just finished reading thes 95 pages of post. I did skip readin a few
of the longer post but really found all of this very interesting.
Although I don't really care for the silkies or ameraucana breeds myself, these are some very nice looking birds.
Sorry for the public post. Julie, could you please PM me ASAP. I already sent you a PM a few days ago. If you sent the eggs out, they may have gotten lost. I just got back from the PO and they were not there. I am getting really worried.
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Update. Julie got in touch with me (She had been away for the weekend) The lost eggs were finally located and they are now safely in the incubator. I will continue to keep everyone updated. Wish me luck.
Good luck!
Good luck!


The eggs arrived in really good shape. I got 10 in this batch and candled them as soon as I got them. Three had ruptured air cells but I went ahead and set them anyway with the large ends up. A couple others had loose air cells but are where they should be. They should hatch. I thought about candling them tonight but tomorrow night would even be better. I have another batch to pick up tomorrow.
Just wanted to let everyone know that our single male messed up feather ameraucana JUST HAD HIS FIRST CROW!!! He's now FOUR months old, the slacker!

It was awful sounding, like a broken olde-tymey car crossed with a plastic kid's kazoo.

FINALLY gender questioning time is over - bring on the sexy sexy ladies!

(yea, yea, I know "where are pictures?!" - I've been having some computer trouble that I thought was a virus and did a complete hard drive wipe and reinstall, only to find out it was a motherboard problem the whole time.
Waiting on a paycheck or two to be able to fix it. Pictures will return eventually, promise!)
ROFL at your roo! Let's hope he's not like the mockingbird who nested repeatedly at one of my homes; I always knew him because he sounded like a rusty gate swinging in the wind.

Waiting eagerly for pictures. These are beautiful birds! I'm hoping everyone has a 100% hatch!

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