What's wrong with their feathers?

All I can say is good luck! Check on them often. I had one that I didn't help that died during hatch. Another I helped too much, and it died. The third I cautiously helped bit by bit over a period of hours, and he's alive and well.

And keep us posted of course!

Fingers crossed for you Kat!
Good luck!
Thanks Bailey!

Day 21 started at 4PM yesterday. At 8PM, no sounds, and certainly no pips. At 2:30 AM this morning, I heard peeping, but no pips. Checked again at 6AM - still the same. By 7:30, I was getting nervous, and *thinking* of attempting to open the shell, but by 8:15, the one had pipped. At 9:15, I chipped the pipped pieces away with a dental tool and made a tiny breathing hole - and at 10:30 and 11:30, I chipped and opened alittle more each time. The hole is just big enough to where I can see the beak and its making lots of noise, but it hasn't attempted to zip at all.

So its been 3.5 hours since the initial external pip. Will continue to check every 30-60 minutes and assist if I have to - I'll keep you updated and y'all keep your fingers crossed for us!!!
Well, after a long 24 hours, there is one silkied Ameraucana chick boppin' around the incubator!!! YAYYY!!!!!!!!

By the time I went to bed last night, I had chipped away approximately half of the shell - by the time I woke up, this little guy (or girl) had kicked the rest off and was sitting upright on its own!!! Looks strong so far - and has a healthy set of lungs!!!! And fortunately, a BCM/Ameraucana cross egg also hatched, so at least this chick has a buddy to grow up with.

Last night another silkied Ameraucana egg was peeping, but had not pipped by this morning - I opened the shell a bit so it could breathe, but I can't tell just how the chick is positioned, because I can't see its beak from where I broke thru. Don't know if this one is going to make it or not - stay tuned.
Welp, Chick #2 didn't make it
But Chick #1 is safely tucked away in the brooder with its BCM/Ameraucana mixed buddy.

I guess 1 out of 17 eggs isn't bad, considering. Now, if it could just BE A ROOSTER - sounds kinda funny saying that, because I'm always hoping for hens!

Well, whatever the case may be, and I know I'm coming into this a tad late, but hopefully I'll be able to join in on the fun in the spring with the rest of you working on these beautiful birds!!! Keep me in mind when y'all start swapping eggs, ok?
Great reading Kyblues..Thanks for sharing..Wish we could make a collection of these articles...Like to buy that book..Look at how many breeds have just gone by the wayside and who even has any of these except ina few gene pools out there... It would be interesting to do a story on lost american breeds..There was collection a while ago of lost european breeds , very interesting and someone was trying to re-create a few that were extinct ..I love this thread..And just cant wait for the latest pictures . This new bird just fasinates me..cant quit looking at them..Hope you guys keep this going..the best sports happen by accident..
I cant get enough of this..Someday when you guys get all set up and running I seriously would like to buy some hatch eggs...
Have you all settlerd on the finished product? lwhen they are a bit more settled, rumpless? colors acceptable? I know its just getting started but when you feel confident and you had to write a description for the standard..LOVE these birds! keep the pictures coming..
Thanks Julie - I meant to write to you directly, but I guess in all my excitement, I just forgot!!!
Thanks so much for everything!

Can you (or anyone else?) tell me if these silkied Ameraucana chicks are "feather sexable"? I'm not sure I understand the whole feather sexing thing and it may not even be accurate for all I know, but the chick I hatched yesterday has VERY short primary wing feathers that are all one length.

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