What's wrong with their feathers?

That's awesome! I hope they all hatch! We need all the outcrosses we can get. My 2 roos (Blondie and Tuco) and 5 girls are still going strong. I'm still augmenting their feed with whatever I can thing would be nutritious and prompt them to eat.

2 of the girls are still underweight, so I have them held back with smaller chicks. The boys are randy in their docile and unaggressive way.

One day they'll be mature enough to put in with the Black Ameraucanas, but not anytime soon. They are sooooo slow to mature! I love these things and desperately want to invigorate them. I have Lavender Ameraucanas coming from 3 different lines, so hopefully I'll get some color and gene shift going.
I've got a batch of lavenders and splits that are 4 weeks old now myself. Fluffy lavenders will be gorgeous! (AND they won't be able to fly over the fence and ruin my MIL's flowerbeds. I've got to clip some wings soon or I'll never hear the end of it.
Tess is laying!!!
I found FOUR eggs in the pen today...the little stinker was laying them behind the feeder! Let's just hope Trip knows what he's doing! They'll be going in the bator tomorrow!
Congrats Kelly!!!

ccccchhhhh 'Bator One is cleared for Lock Down!

cccchhhh I repeat, 'Bator One is cleared for Lock Down!
I'm happy to officially be past the
stage and onto the

Just got a call from the mister (I'm at work!) wanting me to let you all know that the first two chicks out and already playing soccer are BLUE F1s!

Those little things are fast hatchers!

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