What's wrong with their feathers?


Pictures are need ASAP!!!
It's Day 20 morning. 4 Blue F1s are out and about. Another 2 are zipping, and 3 more have pipped. All are rather plump, with puffy cheeks. They started pipping on day 19 - it's like they know how badly we all want them. I like this new style of 'eager to please' chicken!

Of the Buff Orpingtons, 2 have hatched, and another three have pipped.

Of the Marans, just one has pipped, and a tiny pinprick of a pip at that. I'm slightly concerned, but the slowness of the Orps to emerge makes me feel a little better.
11 chicks out total now, a whole mess of Splash and Blue F1s and a significant amount of the Marans have finally pipped!!

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