What's wrong with their feathers?

Well I am in! We got our eggs from Alicefelldown today
and has anyone else noticed these are olive green? I think the program that Aquaeyes outlined has merit.... We have gorgeous Am's too! Thanks Kim! Saw you on this thread earlier glad you got your birds ok! Wish us luck with hatching our line A and line B birds! has anyone gotten Alice to respond to anything? I have tried to contact her with no luck at all.Chooks it looks like you and Kelly are the new thread mommies! since it seems Jubaby,and maybe all the other originals are gone or not watching this thread anymore...I am wondering about our Am's they are very gorgeous blues (one splash) we actually got from CatKai. now two are clean faced will that matter in breeding the vigor back into the birds? or should we only use our more correct girl with beard and cheeks? we have 7 line b eggs 6 line A eggs and 3 blue ameracuanas well one splash clean faced pullet and one with puffy cheeks and a beard..and one clean faced cockriel. I can put up pics if you like... MY new AM's are very sweet so have fabulous temperments. I am personally more worried about getting chicks that LIVE for longer than POL before I personally work on legs or egg color...although my eggs for whatever reason are olive...big gorgeous eggs...but so not blue..odd. Are everyones eggs olive? it is just that so many people have made a reference thru out the thread that these are green eggs and get immediatly corrected NO! these are BLUE! ummmm not mine......I couldnt care less about it as I think it should be something we work on when our birds stay alive longer than six months. and we are so excited to be part of this project...Kim you are close enough that we could trade back and forth...by the way I will NEED pure Ameracuana eggs and soon! can I get them from you or are your girls even laying yet? My eggs came today to my house too! Box says hold for pickup! AND my number was on the box...and they come up with the box slung under their arm like a football!
I was like CAREFUL! that is EGGS! and she looks at the box and says oh sorry it isn't marked fragile or anything MA'AM!!
not one egg was broke!!
THANK GOD! We set them tonight before bed the air cells look pretty good and none really look scrambled...I am fairly good at candling now...can someone tell me if you know how to check fertility by candling eggs? I cant see anything that make ME think fertile or not by just candling other than cracking the eggs....CANNOT see me doing THAT! lol I notice when we candle our little bantam eggs tonight that some where clear.... sure can tell that and whether or not they are fertile or not would surely help....if ya'll know.
Glad you got your eggs! I would not use the clean faced birds, (those I hatched from rockinpaints eggs) that I gave you for this as I don't know that it would pass on or not. Would use those for Easter Eggers instead or see what you hatch from those and keep the correct birds to use as your out cross birds to the fluffies. My blue unrelated (to the fluffies) Ameraucana with the beards/cheeks are not yet laying, should be anytime now. Won't be able to send out any eggs for awhile from them, they are being bred by a splash marans right now so would need to wait until he's gone for a few weeks and then be sure they are even fertile. Not a bad idea to still get unrelated (to the fluffies) eggs from another source to add more to out cross with from the chicks you hope to hatch with your eggs from alicefelldown. Keep us posted on those eggs! ChooksChick has a cheat sheet for incubation that has worked well for my hatches.

On hearing from alicefelldown, she's replied to all my pm's. Been a huge help with answers and advice. I am sure she gets busy as we all do and just not had time to reply to you yet. She's probably so worn out from getting all these birds and eggs out she just needs a break

My birds from alicefelldown are laying, 2 of them lay an olive color with 1 of those being a bit less olive than the other. The other lays a pretty blue color. Setting them back now to incubate. I have a splash fluffy cockerel, blue fluffy pullet and 2 smooth (hen and pullet) that carry the fluffy gene. On egg color, I got a few from ChooksChick last year that were blue or blue/green but not olive at all so not all are olive.

Plans with my fluffies here are to try and move towards black and lavender.
Won't be able to send out any eggs for awhile from them, they are being bred by a splash marans right now so would need to wait until he's gone for a few weeks and then be sure they are even fertile.

at our meetup last week i learned that this is not true... according to the UOA and DR Keith Bramwell the hens sperm storage works on a last in first out basis... so as soon as a hen has been bred by a new rooster she will start to use his sperm to fertilize any new eggs... obviously the egg that the hen is already working on laying wont be with the new rooster... it makes separating breeding pens out allot easier...
Blue wheaten is just wheaten with the dilution gene. (Just like blue is regular black with the dilution gene). You can also have Splash wheaten if you have 2 copies of the dilution gene. So essentially the genetics work the same, with wheaten in place of black.

I've gotten 2 eggs from my girls since alice sent them to me and they're a beautiful aqua. I'll try to get a pic of them from their current place in the bator.

Clean faces are not the "best" choice, but I'm considering using my clean faced wheaten girl since she's the only wheaten girl I have. It will just be harder to breed back in good muffs later. My wheaten cockerel is gorgeous and I'm probably going to put him with the one fluffy girl I have, assuming she makes it to POL.

Candle the eggs about a week after putting them in the bator and you should be able to see veins and an eye on the ones that are developing.

I drew out a "fluffy family tree" the other night based on all my birds and where they came from.
I'm a visual person, so this is MUCH easier for me than trying to just remember who came from where. It's quite interesting. I'll try to see if I can get a clear enough picture to post it.
The eggs I got from alicefelldown and NicoleRM are all a beautiful aqua color...no olive here. I candled today (Day 7 for NicoleRM's, Day 6 for alicefelldown). All but one of NicoleRM's are developing beatuifully...all but one of alicefelldown's B line are doing great...only 2 of the A line seem to have anything happening. I put them all back in the bator just to make sure...I'll candle again at 14 days and dump the one's that aren't doing anything! I suspect I may have a bit of trouble figuring out the late quitters...the more they develop, the darker they get....the harder it is for me to see anything in there!! :) I'm excited to see this many of them doing something...hoping they all keep growing!!

I've got a great line of pure ameraucanas (all are blue with one splash) that are about 5 months old...I'm excited to be able to use these in this project....however, I am still thinking that I should look for some pure black ameraucanas to add to the mix. I just can't decide what line to add...anybody have any suggestions??
I was very surprised to see to olive eggs with these I got. I am sure I missed it somewhere that this was an issue. All I recall reading was shades of blue and blue/green. All my hatchery EE's lay either blue or blue/green. My 2 OE's lay the same as 2 of these I got for this project. The 2 smooth feather girls color is also not just blue. They have a dull coppery kind of color with the blue. I'd probably be better off planning to breed Siklied Olive Eggers and EE's.
Must of had an olive egger in the breeding mix somewhere along the lines...that definately would not be something that would creep in even from EE's...interesting...
The two gals I just got are both laying also and one lays a very nice light blue and the other lays green. Fairly dark so I wonder if she is the hen your 'olive' eggs came from.

I think I'll be crossing mine out to my lavenders. I know that's usually frowned upon - mixing blue and lavender - but lavender silkied is what I really want and all these splash birds make that hard! Looking into getting some wheatons to do the same since they are gorgeous and I want some anyway.

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