What's wrong with their feathers?

I need more eggs guys. I should have just bought that trio from Alicefelldown, but I didn't. Now I'm so mad at myself. I got one chick to hatch and it's a smooth splash. If I breed this one to my blues and then those back together later, is there a chance of getting the silkied gene to show?
I'm anxiously waiting for a pip. 17 eggs in lockdown. My splash silkied from last month is starting to look really pretty.

I have some that are about a month or so old and I just love the way they are feathering out... they look a bit like they have angel wings - so pretty. Hope you have a wonderful hatch!!!

I'm anxiously waiting for a pip. 17 eggs in lockdown. My splash silkied from last month is starting to look really pretty.
UPDATE! I posted on the emergency section and it turns out it may be something called "canker".

Here's a picture in his mouth before I removed the yellow gunk. I looked down his throat and that part was clear and he's still acting totally normal.
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It's been awhile since I've posted. I moved out of state last fall which was nothing less than traumatic for animals and people alike. I had nothing set up for any of the animals so I had to build from scratch. My trio of F1s from Kathy are alive and well. The problem is that they are free ranging with other chickens as I have yet to build pens. I'm just lucky to have them here. My question is, are their eggs worth hatching? The answer to my question might be lie this thread but it would be a daunting task to go through all of the posts (I did once before not too long ago). If other roosters have bred the hens (which is more than likely), can they still pass the silkied genes? If so, what would be the odds? I can easily tell which eggs are theirs. Also what to do with the black roo that I hatched from the eggs that Kathy sent. Can it be safely said that he's unrelated to the silkied Ameraucanas?

I'm glad to see so many successful hatches. Keep up the good work and you'll be seeing me around.
Hatch update:
9 have hatched on their own. Three more that had partially zipped and then seemed glued in were just assisted out and are trying to recover in the incubator. I may candle the rest of the eggs later today and see if there is any movement.
I'm still hatching like crazy. My current flock is still all F1s: a blue rooster over 2 blue hens and 2 splash hens. So I'm trying desperately to hatch that elusive black fluffy. The odds are not great but they are there! I was so excited when the first one of the last batch hatched because I thought it was black. Once dry, it is obviously blue though LOL. Of the eggs I've hatched so far I think I have 8 silkied chicks. Just have to wait for the last batch to grow for a few more days to be sure on those. I need a bigger incubator though; running out of room in there again! So I can send some eggs out this week if anyone is interested.

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