What's y'all's secret to keeping cats away?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 2, 2013
It's only around 7 p.m. and I have to chase my chickens into the coop because the neighborhood cats are already stalking my chickens. When I was done, I saw one fleeing away and another was hiding under my truck which was just 30 feet away from the coop. Anyone know any tricks to pass along to keep these cats away? Does having a good rooster help? Sometimes I lose some sleep because I wake up in the middle of the night to check on them.

I'll post some pics tomorrow when there's sunlight.
Cats rarely harm a full grown chicken, so the best way to discourage them is to let them catch one,
After the birds peck their heads a few times, and beat them with their wings, the cats will be happy to just watch
If you can have a rooster where you live, I would recommend it. A good rooster is a valuable asset to a flock (especially a flock that free-ranges or isn't contained in a covered run). A good rooster will alert the hens to any danger, usually giving them time to seek cover or run to shelter (and will engage a predator if necessary to protect his flock). Our two roos were fabulous at alerting the hens. -never lost any chickens when we had our roos. We let the flock free-range all day. After we had to rehome the roos (due to noise complaint), a covered run was constructed. Now, when cats come around, the hens are protected. (only have them out when I'm out in the yard/garden)
Dogs. I haven't seen cats pestering our chickens at all and there are a few neighborhood strays. Ours are full-grown.
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Cats are an invasive species. Environmentally speaking, even raccoons and coyotes have more right to hang around your chickens than cats do. I love cats but that doesn't mean they get a second chance if they hang around.

Our rooster would make mincemeat out of a cat. He did a pretty good job on a 40-pound dog.
When I see any strange cat go in my barn I'll sneak in behind it and close the door and chase it around stomping & yelling and beating it with a broom, one of my favorite things to do is when they jump up in the rafters I blast them out with the air hose. They don't like the air hose. And guess what? The very next day they're back pissing on my truck tires.
So I usually end up putting a can of sardines in a havahart trap and when I catch it I call the the county dog pound to come pick it up. I only do that for the cats that aren't really hurting anything because I don't want to kill somebody's pet for no reason. If the cat is after my chickens then it's SSS time.

A rooster has never done me any good because cats snatch bitys & young chickens that stray away out of the rooster's sight, and at night while the rooster is asleep.
Do you have bantams? -young birds? Are they locked up/confined at night? These particulars might alter your approach. If you have standard breeds that are confined at night to a secure coop, a rooster will be beneficial. If you have bantams, young birds, and a barn-style situation or more open coop, then a rooster's effectiveness may be limited.
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