What's y'all's secret to keeping cats away?

a good rooster, my Sussex seems to be a gentile giant, but don't piss him off or let him think theres a threat. he even gently pecked my gsd in the nose for sniffing his butt. (my chickens grew up with my gsd) my cats stay away.
Trap or pellet gun.

I read on here once. A neighbors cat in the neighbors yard is a pet. The neighbors cat in my yard is a predator.

It's that simple.
We have tons of stray cats around here. There are also a bunch of baby chicks running around with mommas at various times (they free range during the day). Mommas will protect their babies. The cats don't seem to bother any of the older chickens at all. Our roosters will peck cats if they: get near the food, get too close to the babies, or they just feel like it
Our Key West roosters are especially vicious to cats. I suppose they have evolved to think that cats are predators on Key West. When those cats see a Key West roo coming their way, they take off quick!
i have had to shoot one of the cats :( that were slaughtering my chickens and tie it to a tree(sounds a bit harsh but it worked) about 10-15 yards away from the coop never seen a anther cat except mine around here for the past 6 months.Hope i have helped a little
perhaps suggest shooting right to the side of them? that should deter, knowing they'd be killed..It's just a death sentence for cats to have to stay in 4 walls all day. I don't mind my chicken killed as much as my cat..or get a dog, rooster..just sayin, there are creative ways
Do get rid of the cats, there is a few options. Number 1, kill them, which, I have a soft heart, and would be hard to do for me. But do not hesitate to protect your animals. Number 2, spray them with a watergun. This is what we do when our cat chases the chickens. Number 3, keep the chickens locked up all the time. Which is not a good choice for the health of the birds.

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