What's your biggest pet peeve?

a texan who hate bbq sauce

Actually I like some BBQ sauce. I make a great sauce, however, it is for dipping BBQ in, not cooking with. The eater of the BBQ should have the choice as to whether he or she wants the sauce. Just so yall know, I cook my BBQ with a dry rub that I make.

And YOU, from Mississippi, should know that. BTW I used to work for the city of Jackson Mississippi. Wonderful state.
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a texan who hate bbq sauce

Actually I like some BBQ sauce. I make a great sauce, however, it is for dipping BBQ in, not cooking with. The eater of the BBQ should have the choice as to whether he or she wants the sauce. Just so yall know, I cook my BBQ with a dry rub that I make.

And YOU, from Mississippi, should know that. BTW I used to work for the city of Jackson Mississippi. Wonderful state.

i'm a rub fan myself
we get it in 20lb bags
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I like to do this to Jordalicious simply to irritate him. It makes for fun times. His tone of voice in reacting makes me giggle.

Don't talk to me in person, then.
"Eerawk" just sounds weird.

List my pet peeves? Y'all don't have the time, I promise you.
While at a red light, the person in front of me ( the first car in line) will slowly roll and roll out into the intersection, then the light turns green and they're asleep! Happens every time. Or a driver in front of you in standing traffic, throws their lit cig butt out the window.....
or any other kind of litter! argh..
1. People who don't take care of/ appreciate what they have

2. People who pick on each other's flaws/make fun of others

3. People who don't even try (work, new things, etc.)

4. People who think their better than everyone else just because their religion says so
(not trying to pick on anyone with this. Please don't take this personally)
Most of my life I've only had two pet peeves.

1. Cruelty

2. Cowardice

You can imagine how much I like passive aggressives.

Nothing else really bugs me.

Ok, there are a couple of physics theories that I think are just so stupid, but I've promised my husband to mellow out on those topics.

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