Whats your cold weather comfort food?

chocolate chip cookes
just made some ...chased 'em down with a shot of the white stuff
Oh, and that reminds me of grandpa giving us kids a shot of peach schnapps to warm us up. Hahahaha!

(this was back in the '70's)

go grandpa! We only got brandy when sick
when we were teens we got tiny little glasses of wine with dinner. We felt so COOL and grown up!

I still love 7 & 7's 'cause he used to make one for him self every night on the way home from work. He always snuck us a sip if we promised not to tell grandma.

Grandpas are cool.
go grandpa! We only got brandy when sick
when we were teens we got tiny little glasses of wine with dinner. We felt so COOL and grown up!

I still love 7 & 7's 'cause he used to make one for him self every night on the way home from work. He always snuck us a sip if we promised not to tell grandma.

Grandpas are cool.

my grandpa was also cool, he'd let me mess around with his tools and stuff in the garage, he'd let me follow him around the garden asking every dumb question a kid can come up with, and he NEVER got annoyed with me at all. Grandma was NO such fun - stiff upper lip and all.
Fresh bread, sliced with some melted sharp cheddar and garlic salt. Flammable cocoa - 1/8 c. semisweet chocolate chips melted with about 1T of milk, stirred til smooth, mug half filled with milk and heated and stirred until it's cocoa, then mixed with a spot of bailey's, khalua, vanilla vodka, and hazelnut liquer.
I made a big pot of Venison Chili for dinner last night. YUMMMMMM! This afternoon I took a big bowl of it to family friend (he will be 91 years old next month!) he is my 'chicken buddy'. We can talk CHICKENS for hours!

My DH shot a young wild hog in the woods last week, it was approx 60lbs. I cooked some in the crock pot today with veggies.
It was wonderful!

Wow! A wild hog - I'm impressed. Do they taste gamey at all?

In cold weather I like soups, stews, chili - especially potato soup - with cornbread or sliced homemade whole grain bread. Cheese toast is good with soup too. And I love warm homemade chunky applesauce with cinnamon added. Hmmmmmm.......

I could happily live off soup, cheese, bread, and fruit.

Stay warm!

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