What's your favorite way to eat an egg?

I do love deviled eggs. Well I like mine and one other person's. Picky

My favorite though is Eggs Benedict.

I should make that!

BTW some of these posts have me cracking up.
My FIL made these and called them "Hobo Eggs"! Absolutely awesome for breakfast!

We call these "Hole in One"...funny that there are so many names for the same thing.

We eat eggs probably every way they can be cooked. Scrambled is the favorite of the kids (with ketchup), I like them scrabled with salsa in a burrito shell. My grandma makes awesome deviled eggs.
i eat eggs anyway i can get them, EXCEPT OVER HARD! that is nasty, gotta have NICE RUNNY yolk, i could eat it completely raw slightly warm. ontop of a nice tartar, soft boiled, poached, scrambled on hot dogs, egg sandwiches, PICKLED is always good. eggs are my crack
I started collecting egg cups way before I had chickens. Now I have 50 or so! I've never gotten one with a spoon, though! Do you have any cups you'd like to trade for?

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