What's your favorite way to eat an egg?

Fried over medium with a little butter.. then a little salt and pepper.. I love to dip my toast in the yoke.. Shame on me I'm 54 and still eat my eggs that away. LOL>

French toast is second way..
Fresh fresh fresh!!!

I love them right after being laid
I am a strange one tho it seems to a lot of people cos I prefer to eat them fried over hard (with a little salt and little extra pepper) on buttered toast to have as an egg sandwich. Or, scrambled (seasoned as before) with buttered toast. I do eat them a little softer but i have to be in the mood to do so.

I get so much flack about eating them hard but I don't like the yolk texture...in fact I like hard boiled eggs but I cant eat the yolk, only the whites.

Darn it I am wanting an egg now....off to the kitchen!!
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Only one way? I can't pick just one. Hard boiled, pickled, egg salad, over easy, over hard, broke on jelly toast, in a nest, french toast... I got sick once on soft boiled eggs, so that's about the only way I can't stomach them. Scrambled isn't a fave either.
I love my eggs made in different ways...but my most favorite has and always will be sunny side up with pepper on them, and toast, yum yum yum!!!

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