What's your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is horseback riding (and yes, it's a sport). School teachers around here sadly don't think horses amount to anything, even though they are in the olympics.
I'd like to see them ride /my/ horse...
My favorite sport is "golf balling," soon to be an Olympic sport. I originated this sport when I decided to walk for exercise. It got so boring I was losing all motivation. Then one day after Easter many years ago, I noticed colored small balls on someone's lawn. I couldn't believe kids would overlook Easter eggs so I took a closer look. I found two hot pink golf balls and one neon yellow. I thought that was so neat, I started looking for more during my daily 8 mile walks.

About the time the colored balls ran out, I discovered most golfers preferred a white ball- there were many more of those hiding around the outskirts of golf courses. As they say " The rest was history."
I'm a true hunter-gatherer - love to stalk the balls, sort them and bag them up. Before that I used to walk a lot and find coins on the ground. Nobody drops any money nowadays, they all use charge cards. You have to change with the times.

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