What's your guess? Araucana, Ameraucana, or EE?


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
QCA, Illinois
I recently got 6 chicks from a great hatchery and these were sold to me as Araucanas. I am wondering if they are true Araucanas or if they are Ameraucanas or EE's?

Here are some pix...




Leg color...


Definately EE's, no Amercuanas in any of the hatcheries ever been found. If you want Amercuanas, you must go to an Amercuana breeder, the one those who are the member of the Amercuana Club...they are the best source for your Amercuana chicks.
LOL Soonerdog...that's a pet peeve of mine too.

BTW..not all ameraucana breeders are members of the club
, but that is your best resource if you want to be sure what you're getting. Another method is to ask for pics of the breeder flock and check out the club site to make sure the breeders are what the standard should be. Lots of pics on the Ameraucana site to help for reference.

Just bought the exact same chick on Saturday (4 days ago) from the local large-chain feed store. Bought on sold as a Barred Rock and one sold as an Araucana with the exact same coloring as yours. I got her for the blue eggs and because she was adorable. Still trying to give her and her sister names. (Sister is a Barred Rock...or so the sign said.)

What's the difference - Araucana/Ameraucana/EE?
Just bought the exact same chick on Saturday (4 days ago) from the local large-chain feed store. Bought on sold as a Barred Rock and one sold as an Araucana with the exact same coloring as yours. I got her for the blue eggs and because she was adorable. Still trying to give her and her sister names. (Sister is a Barred Rock...or so the sign said.)

What's the difference - Araucana/Ameraucana/EE?

Araucana are rumpless (in the US). Ameraucana are a true breed and will always be sold associated with a color (buff, black,...) EE do not breed true, so they are not an actual breed, but more like a mutt who lays fun colored eggs. (Still good if that's what you are looking for)
Definately EE's, no Amercuanas in any of the hatcheries ever been found. If you want Amercuanas, you must go to an Amercuana breeder, the one those who are the member of the Amercuana Club...they are the best source for your Amercuana chicks.
Some hatcheries do have Ameraucana, but only a few. And they only have Blue/Black/Splash. No other varieties are available via hatcheries.
There are no hatcheries that have Araucana, though.
The vast majority of hatcheries have Easter Eggers that are mislabeled.
What's the difference - Araucana/Ameraucana/EE?
Araucana - rumpless, tufted, yellow skin, pea comb, blue eggs.
Ameraucana - muffed, bearded, white skin, pea comb, blue eggs, handful of colors/varieties.
Easter Egger - anything that doesn't meet the breed standards for Ameraucana or Araucana.

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