What's your kids names?

My boys are:
Brennan James Raymond (6)
Nolan Jeffery Robert (3)
They have their grandpas names for the first middle name and then for the second middle name is for their great grandpa's who have passed away.
First and middle names for ya...

My son, who is now 24 years old is named

Stephan Wayne (pronounced steven not stefan)

My daughter, age 11+ is named Cheyenne Maria

My grandson, age 4, is named Lance Ryo
My Children:

Kimberlie Faith- 20 ( pronounced Kimberly)
Gwendolyn Rachelle - 19
Ashley Michelle ( pronounced MEE-chelle) - 16
Joshua Dean - 14

First Grandbaby 1 month old!!

Phoebe Marie ( Pronounced PHEE-be)

I have another Grandchild due December 26th 2008 but don't know what names have been decided on yet!
My children :
Olivia Rose - 8 - Olivia, my sister picked out while watching the Waltons and Rose after my mother.

Lauren Elizabeth - 7 - Lauren after a friends daughter, Elizabeth after my dh grandmother.

Samuel Edward - 3 - Samuel after my grandfather and Edward after my dad. My dh REALLY wanted to name our son William... which would've worked that was my other grandfather's name. But... I knew people would think we named him after a movie.... our last name is Wallace.
I have two boys and two girls!
My oldest, who is 6 is Logan Connor
My daughter, who is 5 is Regan Grace
My daughter who will be 4 in 3 weeks is Riley Kate
My son who is a little over 2 is Landon Campbell
Yes, 4 kids in 5 years....they keep me busy!
I have had four beautiful boys it took along time to choose their names:

Zachary Charles now almost 17, just liked the name
Toby Scott (died of SIDS at 5 months) named after my grandfather
Garrett Michael Allan who will turn 11 in July was supposed to be our last child and was named after My father in law, My husband, and My Father in that order
and last but definately not least
Benjamin Fredrick who is most commonly called Rooster is almost 9 and he was named after My husband's grandfather and my grandfather.

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