Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

Randy, yes the wheaten male appears to have real good color, one of the few I have seen without the cottontail. I have one from eggs I got from nivtup on BYC and he does not show white. He also weighs in real nice on the high side of the weight chart. I weigh all my Marans at different ages and record the weight and will cull anything on the small side of the chart. I have to have size to put the kind of back and chest I am working with.

The dark females will not do real well in a show but think everyone should keep at least one or two. Don

Randy, In my program the only way I would do a brother- sister if I had no other way to go about getting some chicks. I would put him with the three mother hens and go from there. Don
Oh Yeah, go ahead, ............. get them.............Jump on the band wagon with the rest of Chicken nuts.!!!!!!! LOL

I may have to start my own local chapter of Chickens Anonymous
I really think I am addicted!!! Going to take the plunge and get them as well.
The APA has it and it should be on their website.


Walt, when I questioned the way it was worded was told by Bev Davis it was only a rough Draft and would be admended by MCCUSA members at a later date. Since the meet is supposedly set up for the crossroads show it would be nice to have the proposed standard to go over for anyone planning on going there to show. If the Black Copper fail again will the meet for the wheaten still be going on at cross roads.? Don
The APA has it and it should be on their website.


Walt, when I questioned the way it was worded was told by Bev Davis it was only a rough Draft and would be admended by MCCUSA members at a later date. Since the meet is supposedly set up for the crossroads show it would be nice to have the proposed standard to go over for anyone planning on going there to show. If the Black Copper fail again will the meet for the wheaten still be going on at cross roads.? Don

Good thing that I happened to look in here......
The color description we have was created 7/11/10. If you don't think it is an updated version, let me know. I tried to cut and paste it, but it doesn't want to work, but if you PM y9ou email addy I will send the MS Word copy to you.

Wheaten Marans male owners, need a favor, check the hackle and saddle feathers and see if they have a black stripe similar to the BC marans. Thanks, Don

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