Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

Randy, the old genetics I know are hillbilly genetics. Put two birds together and if you do not like the young, change partners and try again. The only time I have seen the feathered middle toe was when some of them have had heavy feathering. Same thing with the Rudimentary outside toe. I just do what has always worked for me.

This has been my experience as well, though I've not hatched nearly the same volume. But I would have to add that the feathering is "heavy" compared to other marans, but by no means Brahma or Cochin heavy. Some of my hens with a 2nd toe feather are borderline heavy.
Hi Don,
I assume you start culling as soon as chicks are out of the egg. Can you describe your culling process? What do you do with culls?

Hi Joe, will have to ponder this for a while so I can decide what to say and not offend very many.
Silly question & thought:

Having been in horses & dogs I've seen how breeding for certain traits that many others can be/are lost. I know color and correct conformation - TYPE- are so important - but - honestly, what good is it if the Marans only lays an egg or two a week? I understand it takes longer because of the coloring process.

I'm speaking from the experience of owning just two WM's so it's not even worth 2 cents. Between the two I have we get one egg a week, occasionally when we get two we celebrate. (They are healthy, parasite free, and well taken care of). I'm not sure if this amount of eggs is normal or not? In my humble and probably ignorant opinion... what good is a SOP if the Marans lays so few eggs?

What do you consider a "normal" amount of eggs from a Marans per week? I have 15 marans eggs (BCM, WM, BM) in the incubator right now. I'm a sucker for the beautiful egg color. I'd sure like to get more than one egg a week from them! Are some lines more prolific than others?

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.
Thanks for the question. The wheaten I have 10 pullets around 10 months old lay on average about seven eggs each day on average. I have 28 BC pullets that I get 21-24 eggs each day. My Marans do not lay very well in the winter and I do not put a light on them or a water heater.

Are you sure the females are not eating the eggs? If my marans only layed 2-3 eggs a week they would be in the freezer or eating feed someone else was paying for.
What do you feed them?

Yes, do check the nests for leftover "snacks".
I have never raised horses, so I can't address that, but forget everything about breeding you learned with dogs. Poultry is a whole different situation. The Marans is a dual purpose breed. (eggs/meat) If they are bred to the SOP they should lay pretty well. If your birds are not fed the correct rations, they will not lay well and if they have a narrow, shallow body they will never lay well. There are chickens called Marans and then there is the real thing. This time of year with the correct management your birds should be laying a lot better than they are. If they are old or poor type birds they will never lay well.

i am happy to say i never had feathers on anything other than ouytter toe and leg even on heavy fe4athering... its nice dealing with only 6 -3 year old hens and now i havwe many at least 15 hens and 15 roo some are 4 months old some borne yesterday and some inbetween
hatched 6 more yester day and my silkie broody hebn just adopeted them i am so pleased with silkie brooders all the hatches have feathered legs and my 3 year olds are laying like crazy i have one more batch of 18 eggs i just placed in bator and anotehr 9 eggs under broody silkiehens
i got chicks out the wazoo

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