Wheaten-Blue Wheaten Ameraucana/Golden Cuckoo Marans/Salmon-Blue Salmon Faverolles hatching Eggs fo


13 Years
Mar 22, 2007
Near Houston, TX
We are a working farm with several breeds of rare and beautiful chickens. Our desire has been to see many breeds of old be returned to their former glory of being productive animals that also provide beauty to the homestead. Please understand that these birds are first and foremost part of a food production program and have been bred to be to healthy and hearty. They are raised on an organic diet and are given fresh produce daily as well as are allowed to range in the fresh air and sunshine on our pastures. While being used as dual purpose egg and meat birds they also provide hatching eggs that we are able to share with others. Many of our birds are considered exhibition (show) quality but that is not their main function in our world as we have transitioned from being hobbyists to full time farmers. You can learn more about our farm, us, our chickens and other livestock at www.nonesuchfarm.net.

Here are some pictures of our currently available breeds http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s112/pasofinofarm/chickens/?albumview=slideshow
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I recently received LF Salmon Favorelles eggs from them. They were packaged well. I candled on day ten. Sixteen of the eighteen eggs they sent me are developing.
Highly recommended.

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