Wheezing and diarrhea


Apr 5, 2021
One of our 3-week-old chicks is wheezing. After I isolated it I discovered a watery stool. This is a new situation for me and I'm not sure exactly what to do. I plan to feed a little raw milk yogurt, but dont know what to do for the wheezing. I have used a small amount of colloidal silver for other issues with full grown chickens. Has anyone used it with baby chicks?
Has this chick been around older chickens, or did it come from another person or breeder? Can you see any bubbles or foam in it’s eye or any swelling around the eyes? Have you seen it gasp for air or sneeze?
The chicks are in brooders and have had no contact with other flocks. Our weather has turned very hot and humid, which is pretty stressful for everyone. They're all panting, but only the one is wheezing. I dont see any bubbles around its eyes or nostrils. Brooder ventilation isnt super under these conditions, so I have a fan blowing over the tops of the brooders for now.


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I forgot to mention that I did see the chick sneeze once.
Also, not sure what happened with my previous reply. (Still learning how to navigate this website.) The comments above the photos are mine, not from eggcessive.
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I would look into her throat with a flashlight for any possible foreign body or mucus. Is she able to eat and drink? Are all of her poops runny? Cannyou give her a spoonful of cottage cheese or plain greek yogurt for probiotics. That can help with diarrhea. An occasional sneeze can be from getting something in the nostrils. But if it happens often every few minutes, it could be a respiratory infectio.
I would look into her throat with a flashlight for any possible foreign body or mucus. Is she able to eat and drink? Are all of her poops runny? Cannyou give her a spoonful of cottage cheese or plain greek yogurt for probiotics. That can help with diarrhea. An occasional sneeze can be from getting something in the nostrils. But if it happens often every few minutes, it could be a respiratory infectio.
There was one runny poop followed by two normal poops, and Ive only witnessed one sneeze. The chick looks like it's eating and drinking, but I can't tell for sure how successful it is. I tried getting it to eat some plain yogurt. Maybe we'll have better success if I feed with a spoon.
I looked in the chick's throat last night. There was no obstruction, but there was mucus. I fed some raw milk kefir with a little oregano, garlic and turmeric. The chick liked it so I mixed the rest into its food to make a mash. Will do so again tonight. I also put a few drops of colloidal silver in its water. I don't hear any wheezing or sneezing today, but will still look into its throat to see what's going on. Seems to be feeling better today.
Still hanging in there. Giving it vetrx and still isolating in cage with good ventilation. It's still wheezing, but not all the time, so I think we're making progress. Vetrx intructions are unclear about how much and how often to administer.

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