Wheezy chicken!


Apr 17, 2022
Hi there!

We just got our first group of 15 chickens a week ago, and after one day, I pulled out this girlie, Cherry. She is isolated in our mud room in a large crate. She sounds wheezy and congested, however has no discharge from eyes or nose. She eats layer ration of crumbles, and has a great appetite and drinks normally. I have had her on chik’n breath for 5 days now, and have added some garlic to her feed, which she readily eats. But the breathing sounds haven’t gotten much better, but also no worse. She is about 1.5 years old. And was laying eggs, however since in a crate she has not. Vets for chickens are not easy to find around here, so trying to treat at home. I am unsure what else to do for her to help her out. Is there anything else I could try to make her better? I am new to chickens so have been following advice of more experienced chicken owners. And after finding this website I thought someone here maybe able to help!

Thank you in advance!



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She seems bright eyed, alert, very healthy appearing. Not sick at all.

These slight breathing anomalies can come on suddenly, and disappear just as quickly. I wouldn't worry about it.

Watch her behavior, though. If her breathing becomes labored and she starts slowing down and if her eyes become dull and droopy, then she's sick with something. But, for now, don't worry.

You may continue with the garlic and other stuff. Can't hurt.
I am in New Brunswick, Canada. And Absolutely I’ll attach a picture!

I just found out one vet to try. So I will give them a call as well.

The crop is emptying overnight, no lesions, swelling or air bubbles under her skin, and her beak looks normal. I will look into Tylan, I do believe I may need a prescription for it however. So I will see and then ask when I call the vet .
Thanks for the photo!

Yes, since you are in Canada, I do believe you would need a script for abx.
Give her a little longer and see how she does. If she worsens or you see new symptoms, consult your vet.

I do agree with Carol, she's quite perky. The breathing is a bit puzzling with her alert behavior.
She looks fine in the video. Chickens can make a lot of sounds vocalizing and breathing. I would stop the herbal product you are using because flavored water might be avoided, and she needs to be drinking normally. That product is similar to Vet Rx which contains herbal oils. The peppermint and oils probably have no effect on her breathing. Everyone seems to go crazy over garlic for chickens. I wouldn’t use very much, because onion family can be toxic in moderate amounts. Chickens need good fresh unflavored water and good balanced chicken feed. Occasional sneezing can be normal if they are eating or get something into her nostrils. I would get her back with her flock today, or they may bully her by the long separation.
We just got our first group of 15 chickens a week ago, and after one day, I pulled out this girlie, Cherry. She is isolated in our mud room in a large crate. She sounds wheezy and congested, however has no discharge from eyes or nose. She eats layer ration of crumbles, and has a great appetite and drinks normally. I have had her on chik’n breath for 5 days now, and have added some garlic to her feed, which she readily eats.
Where are you located in the world?

I'm not familiar with that product, can you show the label on the back of it as well?

Is her crop emptying overnight?
Have you felt all over her body for any swelling or bubbles of air under her skin?
Any lesions, mucous or canker inside her beak?

If vet care is not an option and you don't find any of the above causing issues, I would try antibiotics. Tylan (Tylosin) would be a good choice to try. You may be able to find it in your local TSC or if not be able to order it online.

Hopefully @Eggcessive will chime in with her thoughts as well.
Where are you located in the world?

I'm not familiar with that product, can you show the label on the back of it as well?

Is her crop emptying overnight?
Have you felt all over her body for any swelling or bubbles of air under her skin?
Any lesions, mucous or canker inside her beak?

If vet care is not an option and you don't find any of the above causing issues, I would try antibiotics. Tylan (Tylosin) would be a good choice to try. You may be able to find it in your local TSC or if not be able to order it online.

Hopefully @Eggcessive will chime in with her thoughts as well.
I am in New Brunswick, Canada. And Absolutely I’ll attach a picture!

I just found out one vet to try. So I will give them a call as well.

The crop is emptying overnight, no lesions, swelling or air bubbles under her skin, and her beak looks normal. I will look into Tylan, I do believe I may need a prescription for it however. So I will see and then ask when I call the vet .


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She seems bright eyed, alert, very healthy appearing. Not sick at all.

These slight breathing anomalies can come on suddenly, and disappear just as quickly. I wouldn't worry about it.

Watch her behavior, though. If her breathing becomes labored and she starts slowing down and if her eyes become dull and droopy, then she's sick with something. But, for now, don't worry.

You may continue with the garlic and other stuff. Can't hurt.
Awesome! Thank you for your advice. I was confused as she is so healthy otherwise. I may let her rejoin her group and keep a close eye on her.
Thanks for the photo!

Yes, since you are in Canada, I do believe you would need a script for abx.
Give her a little longer and see how she does. If she worsens or you see new symptoms, consult your vet.

I do agree with Carol, she's quite perky. The breathing is a bit puzzling with her alert behavior.
That’s what I was thinking. I was going to give her until Thursday Friday and see how she is.

Honestly that is what is confusing me so much. Is she is doing so well, and is perky, alert eating etc.
What type of bedding are you using? Did she come from a cage setting or coop? My thinking the bedding is "dusty" since you say you notice after having her a day.
Is the sound constant or sporadic? Does it seem like she's having labored breathing? Any other symptoms?

It's good to separate when a bird is ill and as a precaution, however then you have to deal with the reintroduction later. She looks good from the picture, not familiar with Chick'n Breathe.

I'll tag others with more experience that I :hugs
@casportpony @azygous @Wyorp Rock
She looks fine in the video. Chickens can make a lot of sounds vocalizing and breathing. I would stop the herbal product you are using because flavored water might be avoided, and she needs to be drinking normally. That product is similar to Vet Rx which contains herbal oils. The peppermint and oils probably have no effect on her breathing. Everyone seems to go crazy over garlic for chickens. I wouldn’t use very much, because onion family can be toxic in moderate amounts. Chickens need good fresh unflavored water and good balanced chicken feed. Occasional sneezing can be normal if they are eating or get something into her nostrils. I would get her back with her flock today, or they may bully her by the long separ
Thank you for your advice!
She has been drinking a lot, so it has not deterred her whatsoever. I did keep a close eye on that and would of stopped immediately if she did not drink well :)
I have not been giving much garlic at all. Just a tiny bit. :) I read conflicting information and so went very conservative with amounts!

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